poison dart frog

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This is a fun bite sized fic to celebrate intellectual property coming out!!

"Awsten," I said softly, "you like frogs right?"

"Yeah, they are my favorite animal. I had a stuffed frog plush named lighting as a kid."

"What's your favorite type of frog?"

"For sure blue poison dart frogs."


I walked outside hand in hand with Awsten. It was strangely warm and moist outside. I look at the ground and a small blue creature hoped towards us on the cement. Awsten noticed and bent over to look at it.

"Holy shit, it's a dart frog!" He let go of my hand and picked it up. It sat in his hands for 30 seconds before hopping up his arm onto his head. "Oh!"

I stared at the sight. The frog was hopping all over Awsten and didn't seem to want to get off.

"It's name is Kurtis!" He said smiling. "Ok Kurtis, it's time to go back to your home." Awsten said, trying to scoop the frog back up. the frog wouldn't let him though. It seemed like Awsten had a new pet. Kurtis hopped up into Awsten's hair, settling down.


Try to count how many references there are in this

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