One Last Time

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I though everthing will gonna be okay

But why this time?

After years why now?

Me and ivo are officially together

And do you think it's over?

Fck why the hell this time?

'Mr. Tan your parent need you here in paris.'
'What happen to them?'

'Pls Mr.Tan just come here in paris i already booked you
A plane and you only have 2hours before boarding'
I hung up the fcking phone.

I packed my things and hurrying to go on airport
I have a driver outside.

I need to leave a message on ivo.

'Hi love! Im sorry really sorry but
i have to tell you this right now.
My parent in the paris right? They need me.
Actually i have 1hour left before
My flight on the way to paris
i don't know how long im staying there
But always remember that
i love you and your not replaceable to anyone
It's was enchanted to meet you my love
it's hard to be distance with you
No explaination or number how much i love you
Your the first and my last'
                                                      ' -love zi'

We arrive in the airport and the plane is almost boarding

I hurried to go on the plane and checked up

Hour later the plane have a problem

And were on the clouds

Exact 11:11

The engine is not working and were in the airport

Then it happend.

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