who are you?

340 31 11

The sound of bird chirping and the dancing breeze of trees welcome me as I open my eyes. I looked around.

What is this place?

Seconds after I decided to stand up and walk with my bare feet. There are trees, green bushes, and when I looked up I saw some birds flying freely.

It looks lively in here, I'm overwhelmed by this place.

It is enchanting and........ magical.

After wandering around my stomach growled because of hunger, I remembered that I hadn't eaten since I woke up.I decided to have some walk, hoping to find some food.

I didn't know where my feet led me, I just found out that I'm in front of a hut. And oh, I smell something good that triggers my starving stomach.

I hurriedly enter in the house and I found no one but only food on the table. I grab it, this looks delicious by its looks and smell. I didn't waste any time and ate it hungrily.

Minutes has passed and here I am, rubbing my stomach because I'm full. The food is heaven, it's so delicious and maybe the owner is a cook or has a talent in cooking.

I felt sleepy and decided to take some nap, it won't hurt right? I was about to fall asleep but I was woken up by a scream.

"WHAT. THE. GODS. WHO ARE YOU" I open my eyes and  look at her innocently. She has that brown hair pair with blue eyes, the owner I guess.

But her question made me think for a second, who am I?

"I don't know"


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