Blair- Guardian Of Halloween

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Yeah that's me, my name is Blair and I'm a guardian although I'm not recognised or given the credit like the rest of them, not that I care. I'm the Guardian of Halloween and my centre is... Well I'm still no closer to finding out what it is and it's already been 500 years.  

Why do they hate me you ask? Because they're too quick to judge that's why, so I had an accident in North's workshop a couple of hundred years ago and Christmas was almost cancelled.... It was an accident, they happen. North needs to build a wall and get over it. There was the time that I almost scared Bunnymund to death, so needless to say the rabbit and me don't talk either.  One of my powers is the ability to shape shift and what they don't seem to realise is that I can't always control it and the angrier I get the worse I become.

Jack is kind of sweet I have a soft for him we used to be great friends we really close. We used to fool around all the time and constantly tease each other,  but then he got involved with the guardians and basically forgot about me. Before he rushed off to be with them he proclaimed his love to me telling me that he would never leave me, and even though nobody could see us at least we had each other.... I was so stupid to believe him.

Tooth utterly hates me to my core, I never had any idea that such a "sweet fairy" could be so bitter about the past. She knows about me and Jack how close we were and how he felt about me and she hates it, it eats her up. She loves Jack and wants to be with him more than anything, seeing her swoon over him is just sickening.  She's welcome to him.

I'm not really sure about Sandy, I find him difficult to read since he doesn't talk and insists on playing charades a game I was never good at nor had any interest in. I'm sure he hates me just like the rest of them.

I don't know why Man In Moon put me here whenever I ask him he never tells me he never even speaks to me, so yeah he probably me too. Great my fan list just keeps growing! There is one guy who understands me, knows how I feel and makes the effort to be around me, Pitch. 

Yeah I know what you're thinking the Boogeyman, the Nightmare King, why would should I hang around a  creep like him? Maybe you're thinking that because you don't understand him.  I know how it feels to be boxed up and judged that's why we get on so well. He's helped me so much, brought out my potential. This Halloween is going to be the best one yet it seems only right to share my holiday with the Nightmare King, it's going to be a scream.

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