Chapter 13

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Swiftwind's P.O.V


I went to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a sorrow. I went back to the Medicine Cat den and layed down in the sun. I started to eat it slowly. I look around to see the elders telling stories to the kits. The apprentices are practicing moves in the clearing. While the senior warriors are getting ready for the battle today. I finish the sorrow to see Foxstar coming out of his den to go to the group of senior warriors.

He calls me over with a flick of his tail. I get up and walk over to the senior warriors. "Are we ready?" Foxstar ask when I get there. They all nod. "Good, get the older apprentices and meet me by the river." He tells them. They get up and grab the apprentices and head out the camp. Foxstar looks at me "Get herbs. You're coming with us." He leaves before I could protest.

I head to my den and grab healing herbs and all my cobwebs. I walk back out and head to the camp entrance. I get out in the woods to see all the cats that are coming sitting around while the leader and deputy talk about the battle plans. Once Foxstar sees me he dismisses the deputy "Alright lets go." He tells everyone.

Snowpaw comes up to me "Want me to carry some?" I nod and give him some herbs. We catch up with the others. We aren't running just walking. I jump over a log laying in the path. Snowpaw comes after. We get to the river that separates Windclan and Thunderclan. "Okay. Is everyone ready? Remember, show no mercy! They steal our prey, we steal their fur!" Foxstar tells us. Tails start to lash and claws start to scrape the ground. Foxstar jumps over the river with the rest of us following.

We slowly made our way to their camp. Once we got there Foxstar made plans. "Swiftwind and Snowpaw you stay out here. The rest of us will make a circle around the camp then we all will attack on my signal, ok?" They all nodded and left me here with Snowpaw. He dropped some of the herbs and I dropped mine putting them in their own piles.

Not a heartbeat later all you can hear is yowling and battle orders. You can smell the thick blood in the air and you can barely hear claws on flesh. We sit there waiting for any cat to come to us so we can help them. All of a sudden we hear some bushes move so I get some herbs ready but I don't move any closer. Windclan....?...! I arch my back and Snowpaw gets ready for an attack when a Windclan cat jumps out of the bushes jumping on Snowpaw. I grab the herbs and move back not knowing what to do because I was not taught battle moves that good.

Snowpaw jumps on the Tom clawing at his back. The Tom looses Snowpaw's grip and runs into some bush. "See and that is how you do it..." Snowpaw says then he falls over. I run to him with cobwebs and start to put it on his wounds.

His breath becomes shallow and slower and his eyes become clearer "No Snowpaw! You can't go! I-I love you!" I lay on him crying "I love you to Swiftwind." He tells me. He takes one more breath then he goes silent. "No don't leave me Snowpaw. Please don't." I tell him even if I do know he is gone.


Sad ending :c Vote and comment!

Love you guys!

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