Life chapter 1

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When you are born you are just you. I think we could never really chose who we want to be born as. But I think we can chose who we want to be.
Some of us would maybe like to be a poet, a musican, a dancer or maybe some just want to live.
We want to feel it all. But I think the hate of this world of the humans in this world destroys the feelings, not all of them but some. These beautiful feelings than can change you so much but also define you.

Feelings and thoughts are so different, you can lie to yourself about your thoughts. They make you feel like you are not worth it and beat you up. But your feelings, the tell the truth.
Well almost always.

The problem is how do you know if the feelings are true? Am I lying to myself? Do I love or like this person?
I think thoughts and feelings are complicated. Humans are complicated. But they are also so beautiful. Every human is different, we all feel different things, we love and feel different.
But I think we all are in some kind of way the same.

I just don't understand it all. I don't understand anything really. Some say that we will know it when we are older, but that doesn't help. I don't need to know later, I need to know it sooner rather than later.

I break myself everyday thinking. Just thinking about anything and everything and that breaks me because I don't have the answers to my questions. No one has them. I need to find that out by myself.
But it's so hard.

I don't know why I wrote all of this. Maybe some of you can relate to it, maybe not.

If you are insulted by any of my words tell me please.
And if you find any mistakes tell me please and I will correct them

You are all loved


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