Old memory

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While packing up ready to begin her new life at the infamous Hogwarts, she came across an old wooden Jewellery box, which she didn't recall having. Slowly, she opened the box, and she saw an old faded photo. She could just make out her mother's face in the crowd of people holding a trophy. Even though it had been years since her mother had passed, she could never fail to recognise her piercing sapphire eyes. She slid it into her coat pocket to take with her for good luck and carried on packing. She was not completely sure what to pack but there was a small list and realised she was under-packed.

Swiftly, she put on her satchel with a flower print on it. In the letter, it said to get the supplies you would need to follow the instructions on the back. She set off into the busy city and walked down to the new bus station that was recently opened near her house. And waited for the next bus closest to the leaky cauldron. When she got inside. There were some men toasting butter beer.

" Excuse me, do you know how to get to diagon alley?" Holly enquired.

" Follow me, kid," he said.

He twisted through the leaky cauldron and got to an ancient wall with moss all over it.

"This isn't the leaky cauldron." Holly cried loudly.

"Watch this," he smirked.

He got a rose-pink umbrella from his bag and tapped around some missing bricks on the wall. Rapidly, bricks on the wall started to move. In seconds five bricks turned into fifty! The bricks parted opposite ways to reveal Diagon Alley.

"Thank you!" Holly shouted.

"Good luck." the man called to her.

As she walked off into the distance she wondered how she became magical, but that thought soon faded when she saw the busy part of town. She was flabbergasted when her eyes landed on the magical populated streets of Diagon Alley. Everywhere on the narrow streets, she looked she could see crooked witches and wizards buying their new gear. for the New Year ahead. There were lots of kids that she could tell it was their first time too. One boy with a scar on his head brushed up against her shoulder, he was with a man that was as tall as a giant. Then she saw the place she was looking for Ollivanders!

She stepped inside there were wands all over the walls but a few scattered on the floor.

"Sorry about the mess a boy just came in and it went a bit wrong." he apologised.

"It's alright, can I try a wand please?" She begged.

The man showed her many wands dragon heartstring, horned serpent, Phoenix feathers, and unicorn tail hair.

"Why don't you try this one." He dropped the dragon heartstring into her hand.

She waved the wand into the air and there was a sound that would make you stagger. Quickly, he took the wand from her hand and put it back in the golden box. Next, he chose a sage green box from the shelf it was on the label it said "horned serpent. Again she picked it up and waved it around and the wand made the room prance in circles and wands glided through the shop. When she stopped all the wands tumbled to the ground.

"Maybe not this one." he took it back sounding faint.

Then he put a wand in an amethyst box that was Unicorn Tail Hair she took the wand and it gently slipped into her hand then she waved it around then gave it a sharp flick! Faint purple filled the room with little sparks like fireflies rearranging the wands and cleaning up the shop it stayed for a while until it disappeared. She was so relieved that she found the right wand she knew as soon as she felt it slips into her hands that it was that one it was the only one that felt right to her.

Holly HedwigWhere stories live. Discover now