
14 1 1

The cold water touched the skin of my face and I released a hard breath as I washed my face in the washroom.

I wiped my face with a paper towel. I should have been more careful but I wasn't. I just could have busted myself right in front of him. I need to be more careful.

After wiping my face I was about to leave the restroom when the door clicked open and she entered…… a smile on her face, her red hair falling over her shoulder, green eyes sparked with unknown happiness. She hadn't noticed my presence yet but as soon as her eyes met mine that spark left. Her smile vanished and an expression of pure astonishment covered her face.

“Hey…” I said with a soft smile, I forced myself to summon.

“Hey…” she softly murmured, directing it towards me.

“How are you?” The awkwardness killed me inside and built me on the outside. I summoned another smile as I stepped away from the basin.

“Good actually…. How are you?” She shifted in her place placing both her hands on her chest. Her eyes gazed at the ground intently.

“I'm fine…..” my voice hitched at the end when the sparkling diamond on her finger caught my eyes….. it wasn't a simple ring which sparkled so astonishingly on her ring finger. The realisation was hard struck in my chest and ached my insides to the edge…….

It was an engagement ring!!!

“Uhhh….. ummmm….. Cong-Congratulations…..” I smiled forcing my lips in the opposite direction of what my heart cried for…… as my eyes scanned the ring intently. A frown appeared on her forehead just as she followed my gaze on her ring.

As soon as she got the reason behind my congratulations she smiled at me and shook her head.

“We aren't engaged yet….. it's a promise ring.” She explained and unknowingly relief ran inside my body.

“Ohh…..” I trailed off.... I was short on words due to the overwhelming awkwardness I felt every time I saw her and it was suffocating.

“I'm Sorry…. Olly… i know it's hard for you but i couldn't stop myself when he asked me to be his gf. I thought I found him attractive just because my bff had a crush on him and it's normal for me to think he is attractive but that day when he kissed me and asked me out…. I couldn't control….. I'm sorry….” She tried to explain, while she reached out to hold my hands which now were busy crushing the marble of the sink.

She lied to my face without stuttering or even blinking twice. I saw her lie on my face and my hands rolled into fists. I clenched the slab more tightly…. As the memories started to replay in my mind.

“I can't do this!!” I whined as I moved around the room in a circle.

“OMG!! Olly, it's just a confession and it was already decided that you'd do it on your birthday…..” Ash bellowed, frustrated with my pendulum-like mind, which couldn't decide one thing. This had been going on like this for a week now, I'd plan the confession and then drop it and then again I'd go with confession and again dropping the idea.

I huffed a frustrated sigh and climbed on bed sitting in the middle of it- the Asian style -holding my toes. I looked over my study table where my other best friend was and called out for her.

“Lia!!” I whined and she visibly flinched.

“Y-Yeah….” She mused turning around and keeping the photograph she was holding on the table.

“What do you think?” I asked her and Ash snorted from the couch on the balcony.

“ She'd say the same thing I said.” She snarked and went back to eating the gummy bears.

“Y-Yeah…. I think you should do what she said.” Lia stuttered.

“See…. I told you. Go and confess to him tonight.” Ash shrugged, popping another bear in her mouth.

“What?” Lia yelped in surprise and Ash flinched which led her bear to land on the floor.

“My bear!!” Ash whined and I looked at them wide eyed…….

“O-Olly!!!” Talia's voice rang in my head and I looked up in her direction only to find her panicked. She shouted something but i couldn't comprehend it as my breath stuck in, i tried to breath but my body wasn't responding to my will.

I summoned my hands to reach my throat and to hold it. My eyes started to hurt, I saw my body turning blue in the mirror. I looked in Talia's direction only to find her gone. I tried to breathe again but it wasn't working, my throat started hurting, tears stung my eyes. I tried to get out of the room but lost my vision as well. I heard some voices before completely losing consciousness.

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