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L/N Y/N ---> ☆
third person
star creator high, 8:59am

class was finally almost over.

"16 more minutes, come on." y/n thought, hoping that time would just go by quicker. she's been putting up with junhyeon for the whole period, while he just decided to be loud and interact with other students in that class. y/n and junhyeon did very little work, and I mean very little. all they did was think of a project name and that was it.

junhyeon finally decided to get back to her, as he was at the back of the class, talking to one of his many, many, friends.

"hey, y/n. how's the project going?" he asked, patting y/n's head a bit. said girl looked up at him, rolling her eyes.

"all we got was a fucking title." she deadpanned, removing his hand from her head. junhyeon stood there, feeling a bit bad but he needed to keep up his loud and ignorant roll so no one was suspicious of him liking the girl.

"you should uhh.. break out of your shell one day! you can join me when I talk to the others!" he said, a big smile appearing on his face.

this caused y/n to deadpan at him more.

"what." she said. he knew damn well about her being star creator high's "quiet girl," why was he bringing this up? was he just stupid?

"you know what? whatever." she said, deciding to ignore what he said and started packing up her supplies in her bag. junhyeon frowned at her actions and sat back down beside her.

"are you mad? I'm sorry.." he spoke, starting to pout at her.

"well, I mean, it's kinda hard to not get mad at you if you literally just left me to sit here all alone while you went to talk to other people. I was literally trying to figure out what to do but since I'm actually so nice, I waited for you so that you had a say in this too." she spoke, a small amount of harshness in her voice. she rolled her eyes and stood up as she was finished with her bag. she swung it around on her shoulder and looked at junhyeon.

"I just hope that tomorrow, we will actually have at least some work done." she told him before going to bahiyyih.

junhyeon was left there, a pout still displayed on his face.

taerae came to sit in y/n's spot and looked at junhyeon.

"you okay?" he gently asked. they've been best friends for years, so of course, the first thing he'd do was check up on his friend.

junhyeon nodded in response, though he was still pouting. taerae stared a bit, before he smiled.

"good, because we can't go to general music with you looking all sad. how will we get away with not doing any work?" he laughed. his response made junhyeon laugh as well.

y/n and bahiyyih looked back at the two males, a small smile plastered on bahiyyih's face.

"are you sureee that you don't like him?" she quietly questioned. y/n immediately looked at her, grimacing.

"why would you ever think that?" she said. bahiyyih shrugged, standing up.

"who knows?" she smiled, starting to pack up her belongings.

y/n sighed, once again before helping her pack up her materials. as she did so, she greeted bahiyyih's seatmate, hikaru.

"good morning, hikaru. how are you?" she smiled. hikaru smiled back, waving a little.

"good morning! I'm good, thanks for asking. how are you? you seemed really annoyed earlier." the girl hummed, concerned for her friend.

"I'm alright, I guess. this morning could be better." y/n responded, looking at the japanese girl.

ezaki hikaru was one of the many transfer students at star creator high. it was her last year there, as she started there in her sophomore year.

soon, the bell rung and students started to leave their classes. hikaru, bahiyyih, and y/n walked out of the class together before the trip split ways.

y/n went to the stairwell as her next class was on the second floor. going up the stairs wasn't a bad thing but her class being on the other side of the school, was.

as she opened the door to the upper floor, she was greeted by one of her other friends, matthew.

matthew seok, a canadian and another transfer student. he joined them in their junior year and got close to y/n almost immediately. they just clicked well as they were both quiet as well.

matthew was waiting there for her, as usual. his class was the one right beside y/n's, so they would usually walk together.

"hello, y/n." he greeted, a big smile on his face.

"good morning, matthew." she greeted back, an equally big smile on her face as well. with this, they started to walk to their classes.

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