Nightmares in Bliss

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A\N: Just watched When love comes to town, I loved Lauren Holly and Cameron Bancroft as Abby and Spencer. I loved the ending but wanted to put my spin on what would happen in the aftermath of Abby's abduction by Walter, so enjoy, Angles. 

She's running through the woods, her blue dress swirling around her, her feet bare of her heels, trying to run back to Bliss, back to Spencer, back to somewhere that isn't anywhere near Walter.

She stops running panting as she catches her breath when a large hand is covering her mouth from behind, causing her eyes to go wide

"Why did you run?" Walter asks into her ear, his breath sending shivers of disgust up and down her spine.

"Answer me!" Walter hisses angrily, taking his hand away from her mouth. Abby's mouth is dry, no sound coming out.

"I ran because I wanted to go home." She says quietly. Walter laughs as he grabs her wrist painfully, looking into her eyes in the dark.

"This is your home now, whether you like it or not." he says as he starts dragging her through the woods back to the house. Digging her heels into the ground so she doesn't go anywhere with him again, she hears him sigh before darkness overtake her.

When she comes to, she's back in the room, in the bed. Her head pounding as she opens her eyes, adjusting to the harsh light that fills the small room.

"Ah, you're finally awake." She hears Walter say excitedly from the corner of the room. She turns her head to look at him.

He's sitting underneath the window, in his chair, the same chair he sat in outside the door to keep her 'safe', watching her.

He stands up and walks towards her, a smile etched on his face.

She whimpers when he feels his lips on hers, the 'kiss' depriving her of air until she's forced to open her mouth, something which Walter takes advantage of, shoving his tongue into her mouth.

She closes her eyes, tears falling down her face, wishing that Spence will find her before something much worse happens to her than Walter kissing her without her permission.

The only person she wants to be kissing her is Spencer Alexander.

Abby Houston wakes up with tears falling down her face. She sits up in her shared bed. She's glad Spencer hasn't been awakened by her latest nightmare about Walter.

Ever since Spencer rescued her from Walter a few weeks ago and the two of them have gotten together and moved Abby more or less into his house in the town of Bliss with his two children, Abby hasn't slept through the night which is worrying her new love who has definitely noticed the bags under her eyes, the weight she's losing each and every day with not being able to keep anything down because of the nightmares. He's asked if she's alright but she lies and tells him that she's fine but she knows that he doesn't believe her, thankfully he hasn't pushed her to tell her the truth but Abby knows that it won't be long before he does push her to talk about everything.

She looks beside her and sees Spencer still in a deep sleep, strands of silver hair in his closed eyes. She sighs as she brushes back a strand of his hair and slips out of bed silently, walking out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her, walking down the stairs to the kitchen. 

Abby walks into the dark kitchen, flipping on the lights as she walks over to the island. She flips on the kettle, grabs a cup from the draining board, puts half a spoon of coffee in the cup, two sugars then the hot water from the kettle and then the milk before leaning against the island, looking out of the window at the lightning sky. Sneaking a look at the clock on the wall, Abby reads the time as 0645, she sighs as she takes a big sip of her coffee. She knows that if she goes back to bed, even wrapped up in Spencer's arms, she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

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