chapter twenty

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Blitzø squeaked, turning around he came face to face with fizzarolli. He didn't even look like himself anymore, he had a large scar over one of his eyes while the other had a black patch covering it.

His upper lip was cut and slightly purple, his limbs were long and gangly, twitching ever so slightly as his metal fingers curled into the white wooden windowsill.

His horns were chopped off completely,  the sharp ridges poking out and upwards. His tail was long and metallic, unwinding and sliding down across the hard cold floor.

"F- fizz? What happened to you?"

Blitzø whispered, slowly approaching the unhinged imp. Fizzarolli said nothing, his head tilting to the side as he slumped into the room. His tourso twisting and contracting, before he snapped back into place, his arms whirling around before slicking back into place.

"I- it's b- b- been s- s- sooooo long."

He spoke, his voice coming out raspy. Fizzarolli had made plans to go back home but he was cut off by some older imps. Who decided it would be fun to toss the ten year old half robotic boy into a fighting ring, where if he won, he got to eat and drink. But since he was still new to his limbs and everything he never got fed.

Blitzø was scared, fizzarolli was far taller for his age and so intimidating as he hunched over him.

The door creaked open and a loud shrill scream filled the room, blasting his and fizzarolli's ears.

Turning around he found you, a strange imp and your brother who was on the floor curled up behind you shaking violently.

Three tall imps camping running in behind yous. The female one seemed to be in distress as she picked up your whimpy brother who was a blubbering mess.

The one imp with a broken tail pulled you behind him quickly, snarling aggressively at fizzarolli who returned the favor.

Was fizzarolli really unrecognizable? Taking a step back he looked up at fizzarolli who was vary tall. He did look threatening when you saw him at a far distance, and his limbs were in the floor, dangling.

His vision blurred and his ears were ringing loudly and another screech filled the room.

Claws scraped the floor as fizzarolli banged into the wall on his way out, his tail slithered behind him making a clanking noise as it slithered out the window, leaving the room in ruin.

Word count 412

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