Chapter 23- Dinner

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(Word count 1.7k)

So with all the excitement of being back with Charles, you decided once again to keep it a secret for a little while longer until you announced to everyone that you were back together. It had only been three weeks since you announced 'the break' and you both thought it would be a bit soon to tell everyone you were back together after being apart for such a short while.

But telling people or not telling people, you were just glad you were back safe and sound in Charles arms, never wanting to leave again.

"Amore mio. Devo davvero andare, devo andare al debriefing" He spoke with sorrow in his voice,
My love, I really have to go, I have to go to the debriefing.

Since getting back with Charles you have spent every minute together. You hadn't left his side since but it was Friday and you both needed to leave for work.

"Just five more minutes?"

"You said that twenty minutes ago and now I'm late"

"So? You're late, you might as well just take advantage of that"

"I'm going to the paddock" He placed a kiss on your forehead, "And you should leave for work too"

"Ughh fine" You rolled your eyes and got out of bed.

Today was only FP1 but just like any other race weekend you still had to attend no matter how badly you wanted to stay in bed. Afterall it was in Brazil! And you haven't had the opportunity to commentate or interview at a race there, you only had the privilege of attending and watching the races in the garage with your father and Bono.

For once Charles was leaving for work before you, something about being in the running for WDC and Ferrari making some last minute changes to their strategies to enable a win in the upcoming race, made him have to leave before you. However for you work didn't start till 11, so you had two hours to get ready for work. Charles left without you so you didn't have any distractions or excuses not to get ready.

You decided to keep it casual today and just wear jeans and a shirt, nothing too impressive, after all you weren't going to be seen from the commentary box so it didn't matter how you looked.

You did your usual 'good luck' texts and sent them to all your friends before heading down to the track and beginning work.


The whole practice went well, everyone had some really impressive fast laps and thankfully no incidents or crashes happened but that didn't mean it wouldn't happen in qualifying or in the race, you just prayed it didn't happen to Charles, it would ruin his chances of being WDC.

So far no one knew about you and Charles being back together but you thought it would be a good idea to tell your family so they could finally stop harassing you about getting back with him. Luckily your mother and father were together and so was Jack, they all decided to make it a weekend of attempting to spend time together whilst trying to focus on the race. Lewis was also with your family so that spared you some time on telling him later.

"I have something to tell you all" You announced as you walked into the garage.

Everyone looked at you, waiting for you to spit it out. "Me and Charles are back together!"

Everyone smiled, they were clearly happy for you. "Oh honey, that's wonderful. I'm so glad you didn't keep him waiting until the last race!" Your mother beamed.

"Glad you finally came to your senses" Lewis added. "I'm happy for you man"

"So he asked you then?" Your father said.

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