I probably shouldn't run right now

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"God fucking dammit.... Keep running keep running" good god, why did this have to happen now?!

I could barely hear or see anything else than my feet quietly crunching the leaves beneath my feet and the woods in front of me, or at least I thought that's all I could have heard but the shouting behind me was still there just muted

I speed up just a little, the crunching getting louder but I couldn't care, I just had to get away from the camp

I notice a tiny hole in a tree, I run to it and fit my body into it somehow. I thank whatever is fucking out there that I am short, I fucking love you

Anyways focus on the moment Pendejo, The men had passed by me with curses but according to Cece it wasn't safe yet

I need to wait at least 600 clicks or 10 minutes

I wait and I wait while counting the clicks in my mind, imagining my pen in my hand

It's been 600 clicks... I need to get going but to where? Back to the camp? No those fucking Smugglers will still be there...

I should stay here and wait until morning and then start walking

Yeah, I should do that... I will do that...

I shuffle closer into the tree and try to stay awake but eyes are so heavy

No, gotta stay awake come on ₙₒ..


A fucking week, a entire fucking week of walking around in these woods

Nothing but trees, leaves, moss, and more trees! I haven't slept in a day either and I'm running out of water so that's just fucking great!

I gotta find a place to get some more supplies, or just to sleep

I could feel my body already shutting down and I cannot afford that...

I look around for a second trying to see if I could see at least a stream or something but all I can see is bushes, -

There... right there! There's a cabin! I feel excitement but I gotta calm myself down, there still could be infected or people in there

I grip onto the grip off my gun tightly as I slowly approach the cabin, I gotta make sure I stay to the ground

I ghost one of my fingers on the trigger, I need to calm my hands. Cece told me that but I still have no idea how to do so

As I get closer to the cabin I try and hear more, see if there is a clicker

I hear nothing as I get closer to the door, I open it with no problem and hold my gun straight up when I get inside

Nothing, so far

I continue to walk into the house, never letting down my guard

I search the entire house but find no one there "Yes!" I couldn't help it slipping through

I move back towards the door and block it with a bookshelf that was by the door

"Now, time to look around..."


This day had to be one of the greatest I have ever had in AWHILE! First I found a safe space to sleep, next I find food, water, and new clothes, and finally I get a message from Cece on our radio! She told me she was just west from here!

I feel so giddy! I quickly rush over to the bedroom, the safest place in my opinion

I lay down off the side of it, my body being hidden from the door

I should get some shut eye, I quickly kiss the bracelet on my wrist

Goodnight Cece, I love you...


A loud thud awakes me from my slumber, I jolt up and reach for my gun

I grab at my glasses and bag while backing up slightly

I look up from the bed just slightly and see two faint flashlight lights

Shit shit shit, was it the smugglers?!

I grip onto my gun tighter, I gather up my stuff and think how I can get out of this situation

My eyes land onto the window on the opposite side of the bed

I look back over to the door and see that the flashlights getting closer, this is fucking stupid but what choice do I have

I quickly jump over the bed and try to open the window. Its fucking jammed, dammit!

I continue to try to open the window, almost.. THERE!

The window popped up and I began to try to climb out when a hand grabbed the hood of my new jacket

My body slams back down on the floor as I look up at the person who just threw me on the ground

His face was scrunched up in what seemed to be disgust and anger but I couldn't decipher it because of the fucking shot gun in front of my face

"I told you they looked like a weasel! Now they can't weasel out of this one!" I cringed at the bad joke from the girl besides the Grumpy old man

I licked my lips before saying "I probably shouldn't run right now..." the girl chuckled



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