The love of a family

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I want my mom

I always have

I always will

Cece said it never truly goes away

The longing of her

I wish it did

I really wish it did

I also really wish I could Fucking breathe right now-


I screamed out between gasps

The man simply tightened his chokehold making me stop talking and just choke

His sleeve was rough on my throat and his grip was killer so I'll give him that

"Shut up you little bitch!-"

He shouted as I heard the others raid the house, so much for that I guess

Goddamnit ! Why why why why-

"Show her to us Martin"

Fuck no no no not that name

I struggled as much as I could as he turned me so the group could look at me

The leader I think ? Crouched down to get on my level

I tried to swallow my gags and hold back my tears as he simply smirked

"Your a pretty girl y'know ?"

I watched as he put out his hand to curl around a curl in my hair

I tried to pull away but he yanked the curl

I yelped before attempting to bite his finger

He pulled it away quickly and laughed in my face

"She's a feisty one isn't she ? Well eh, Kill her Martin"

The tears were threatening to spill over as I struggled once more

I felt the mans hands and grip tighten as he prepared to snap my neck

No no no no no please I can't do this to her please-


A gunshot rung right in my ear as the mans grip loosened, I watched as the Leader fell dead

"What the fuc-"


Another one, this time right by my ear as the mans grip loosened on my neck and head before it completely disappeared

I clutched my ears as more gunshots rang out, I couldn't help the tears as I held my ears and hoped whoever was shooting wouldn't shoot me

Suddenly, through the ringing and haze I heard a voice

Not a familiar one but a recognizable one

My hands were shaking as I looked up at the person

It was Ellie and Joel in the background

My hands were shaking as she held them in her hands

"Imo-. . . Imogen ?"

Her voice was very static and quite to the point I barely heard her calling me by my name

I nodded and attempted to wipe my tears, the ringing was subsiding but I felt like I was going to puke

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out

Ellie just looked at me with a understanding look and grabbed my hands more firmly

If I didn't know any better I'd say she was comforting me

She was, thats what she was doing

And it was working, slowly my pants turned into slow breaths

My heart returned to its regular beating and the ringing was gone

I gave a weak smile back and tried to not look at the dead men surrounding us

Suddenly I remembered Joel and looked around him, finding him leaning on a dresser while looking the opposite way

"You good ?"

I looked at Ellie again and nodded

Suddenly a wave of shame hit me, I had distracted them from leaving, put them in a dangerous situation and I couldn't even talk to them

Ellie seemed to understand though

I'm so happy she did

"Ellie, theres more of em' we gotta go"


I am so silly

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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