Chapter 3

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Mira wiped her crystal tears carefully with her hand and grins at me, "its ok Kaida."

I sighed with relief; the thought of her crying would be a burden on my back. I lay down onto the soft plump mattress and hugged my furry white pillow, "when do you think our curse is going to take affect Mira?"

Mira shrugged her shoulders replying, "How should I know?"

I raised my eyebrow, "how should I know if you do know or don't?"

Mira grimaced, "You have a point there."

I grinned at her and whacked her with my pillow, she yelped, grabbed my other pillow, and began to chase me around in my own room. I chuckled as I dodged all her hits, she started to laugh too as we fell onto the mattress with peals of laughter, hitting each other but failing at every attempt. 

I absorbed every feeling of the moments I shared with my sister, with a feeling that this happiness will be short lived, I feel sad for it. However, we must let fate take its path, or else we would not be where we are now, awaiting the curse to begin, waiting for the curse to begin its thousands of chaos.

I sighed, as Mira and I held hands to what felt like an eternity.

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