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Is this what love feels like?

I wait for you, you know?

I know how busy you are, I know how dedicated you are to your future.

I know you're stressing yourself with your part time job but you balance it so well, even when we have school the next day.

When I got to know you, I never expected I would know what I know now.

If I told my past self that I would be in love with the 10th grade secretary, she would scoff and look at me in disbelief.

Everything you do makes me question.

And overthink, God knows how much I overthink on the daily.

Our teacher, Sir Raphael, even coaxed me into calm when I was discussing about you.

So to answer the silent question: 'Do you truly give your heart to this person?'

The short answer?

Yes.... but I'm scared of stepping into these unknown waters... unless it's with you

For JMF, my SunshineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora