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*??? : I walked through the same corridor I see everyday for past three years. This is supposed to be my last year, But like every other student here.. I don't want to leave either. I have two great friends : Aera and Nabi. They must be somewhere near eyeing every hansome boy found in our school.*

Mun Yuri

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Mun Yuri. Approximately 18 years old. No siblings but yet not so peaceful life. Has a mother and a grandfather to return to. And last but not the least but not the least, 20th girl child after the death of Queen Almora.(don't run your head, you'll find it out eventually)

Aera : Yuri!! What took you so long. We have been waiting for you for ages.
Yuri : You see, I have only two legs and still I am 10 mins early. Don't expect me fly.
Nabi : Fine, fine.. But take a look st this.. There is a dance competition after two weeks. It's going to be a grand one because that's the last thing we'll take part in before we leave this school.
Aera : And I am for sure excited. You people know I am sucker for talented people.
Navi : More like boys?
Aera : Can say so.
They both giggled. I don't know how they manage to show their teeth after every 2 mins.

Nabi : You are joining the competition right?
Yuri : I'll see if it's my type. You know I don't like everyone's eyes on me. It feels like I am caged in a room with eyes and eyes looking at me.
Aera : Yeah Yeah...more like don't like being clumsy infront of your crush.
Yuri : Stop.!! You know I don't have one.
Saying this I started walking...they always trouble me on this topic. It's better to leave it hanging in the middle.
Nabi : Sure we know.
She winked at Aera. Ha, they think I didn't see them. Stupid humans.
*What.. Don't look at me like that... I don't like lying to them. But.. I need to figure out my feelings before I confirm it infront of them. I surely get nervous in front of him. I squeal when we have eye contact. But I am pretty sure I am not serious about him like every other hansome boy I see. (wink)*

We got through our classes like everyday. It never gets over for sure, we wait and wait and wait. It's finally lunch break and we are together like we were for last two years.
One thing I don't like in this lunch break is seeing him. I get extremely clumsy in his presence. Once I tripped over nothing but my own foot, next time spilled juice while drinking when I heard his voice, not only this but mixed sauce with my own drink when it was supposed to be on burger, just because he was walking like a humanoid God.
And yet, I have never ever in my life seen him laughing or giggling alone or even with his friends. He is always with a straight face with straight words. Can't say he is cold because he always smiles when he sees his fav teachers. Gentleman.
Ahem....I hope I could see him being happy for once. I want to see how heavenly he looks then.
Aera : Yuri, look infront while you walk.. I don't want you tripping for the third time in a week.
Ahhh.. Did I forget to tell you they were the events of this week? Hehe.. Nevermind.
As always he looks like a professional idol. Sitting in his friend circle paying attention to nothing than his game.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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