Chapter one: Family outspoken

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Tommy p.o.v.

All I could hear was my family, yelling, yelling at me for something I did.or, more so because I liked hanging out with my best friends Tubbo and Ranboo, and afew more, more than them.

"You need to stay home!" bellowed Mumza.

"Stop going to your friends' houses all the time!" thundered Philza.

"Stay home and train with us!" snickered Techno and Wilbur.

I sighed and rolled his eyes, "Well I would if you guys stopped treating me like I'm 3!!!" I snapped.

All mumza did was just stare in shock when I stormed out of the house. I could hear fuming footsteps as three chased after me, almost certain that it was my brothers and father, but I didn't look back.

"Tommy!! Wait!! I'm sorry!!" Techno tried to sympathized with me.

But, of course I didn't answer, I just kept walking away with pure anger in my steps. Soon enough I knew I had lost my family members, and ran right into Ranboo and Tubbo who were n talking with Callhan. When Tubbo and I clinded we both fell on the grassy circumference.

I loom about to apologize to my best friend, but they both seemed to understand the look on my face without me looking at them, quickly us both being pulled up by Ranboo, Callahan.

"Hey, Tommy, what's wrong?" Tubbo questioned .

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, you should know Tubs!" I snapped a bit.

Ranboo and Callahan rolled their eyes while Tubbo started dusting himself off, "Your parents need to lay off for once man!" Tubs hollered.


Tubbo P.O.V.

I felt someone bump into me when I was talking to Callahan and Ranboo. The person who ran into me and I both fell, only for me to look at the person and realize it was Tommy. I looked at Ranboo and Callahan and they both nodded since they understood the look on his face.

"Hey, Tommy, what's wrong?" I'd question him, only for him to snap back.

"Oh, you should know Tubs!!" He said as he rolled his eyes.

Both me and Tommy got pulled up, and I instantly started dusting myself off, "Oh your parents need to lay off for once man!" I hollered.

He just rolled his eyes and I instantly grabbed his arm, before motioning for the others to follow me. He looked at me a bit confused as I started pulling him towards my house. Ranboo and Callahan both exchanged confused looks and shrugged, but followed.

Once we got to my house, I pulled Tommy inside and made him sit down as Ranboo closed the door after both him and Callahan walked inside. Both me and Callahan sat down next to Tommy as Ranboo went to go get Tommy a drink. Ranboo walked in and had Tommy stand up.

Of course my best friend had the most wonderful blonde hair with blue eyes that I was jealous of. Ranboo had Tommy walk in a small circle so we can see how he looked. Though I was in a hoodie, sweatpants and a normal shirt, he was in his signature red and white shirt, with his khaki pants, and his black hoodie he wears around his waist mostly. Ranboo handed Tommy his drink and then sat down on the floor. Tommy sat back down and started sipping the water.

"Now explain what happened." I kinda demanded but made it sound like I wasn't.

He sighed and put his water down on the coffee table, "Just the usual about me coming here to hang out. My parents don't like me spending every day here! It's not my fault i hate being there-"

Ranboo snickered a bit, "Your parents just need to leave you alone. You're old enough where they don't need to watch you all the time."

I smirked a bit, "hear hear the enderman is speaking god damn truth. You're 17 dude. Tell them you're not a kid anymore." I kinda said more than Ranboo did, but Ranboo just smiled at me.

Callahan was just nodding at everything Ranboo and I said, which got Tommy to giggle a bit, "Damn you guys put things better than my own parents do." He said giggling still.

I started laughing and so did Ranboo. At least we were getting Tommy's spirits lifted up a bit. Callahan just smiled, he's known for being selectively mute but anyways he's still a good friend. Tommy stood up laughing, and pulled me up.

"I DEMAND THAT WE HANG OUT!!" I shouted and he laughed even more.

"Let's do it then dude!" He said while laughing.

So Ranboo and I both stood up, before walking into the kitchen and grabbing snacks. Tommy and Callahan just stared at each other, obviously not knowing what to talk about or do, when Quackity bursted inside.

"Why the hell were you all just fucking shouting?!" He demanded and Callahan just stared before shrugging.

He rolled his eyes and muttered a 'whatever then' under his breath before walking back outside and slamming the door shut. Tommy looked at Callahan, and just started dying of laughter from how awkward that was. I walked in with a bowl of popcorn, a bag of chips, a few coca cola's, some rainbow sour candy, and more candy that I just can't pronounce. Ranboo brought in another bowl of popcorn and some snacks Callahan might like.Callahan gave a nod that I understood meant as a thank you and I passed Tommy a Coca cola. Boy, was I glad Tommy was here. . . . . .


Tommy's P.O.V

My friends wore more like a true family than my actual family, all they do is try to isolate, make me babied me. Saying that there the thing that should matter, because family sticks together. But, yelling and demineding me will only push me away.

Life is so much more peaceful with my friends, then my home one.. However my phone soon started to explode with texts, calls. From my annoying family.

"Ughh why is your phone going off so much?" Ranboo asked.

"The family that wont back the fuck off" I responded, in a cocky tone.

Looking up at the ticking clock, seeing the time at 8pm, knowing its mt curfew, typically I did care but now I don't. Why would I care, when I'm now here with my family. A family who understands me for me, and doesn't see me as the family's baby.

Soon enough I sighed standing up, the time a hour past curfew, " i should go back to hell"

"You should move out and live with us," Tubbo suggested.

"I wish, but legally I cannot, unless cvs helps.. Which is unlikely" I'd say sadly as I slowly walked into the dark obist.

When I got home, a loud scolding was heard.

"Wasn't my fault that they're more like a family than you planks!" I shouted slamming my door and belly flopping onto my bed; as I lost my tears in the soft covers.

I hate it here.


So this is a fanfic me and my boyfriend had wrote because why not!

hope yall enjoy itt!


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