Chapter 2:Sneaking out Again

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Tommy's P.O.V

Waking up; my bed soaked in my salty tears. All I heard was my family arguing, and they wondered why I don't wanna be here.

I sluggishly got out of my bed dorsey from the hours of crying, I looked in the mirror rubbing my face with a yawn, eyes having dark circles underneath. Fixing my now very messy blond hair, well the best I felt like doing in my tired mind.

Dragging my feet as I slowly emerged out of my room of sadness, driven because of the family I was born into, raised by.

"Morin' tommy" Wilbur said, "how'd you sleep"

Fake. That's all my mind told me that was telling me repeatedly, that my brothers wore showing fake love, empathy, and so were my pathetic parents.

"Shit." I said half-asleep.

"Watch your mouth young man" Phil scolded me.

All I did was mock the man; who helped make me, sure, disrespectful to him, but he doesn't deserve my respect, none of these fakes do.

"You have voices too?" techno asked.

"Mind your own beeswax, I'm not telling any of you shit" I said rudely, "you aren't real."

"Us? Not real?!" Mumza screeched looking like she had just been slapped harshly.

"Family doesn't yell at each other 24/7 that's just wrong" I snapped out.

"You're the one causing problems, like a child!" Wilbur hissed.

"And? I'm a child, what's your excuse?" I yelled at them all, "so fucking what if i love my close friends more then my children of parents and adult bothers" I screamed in pure rage while stomping my foot on the ground, in pure anger.

"Oh NOW WE'RE THE CHILDREN?!" Techno screamed back, with his hands on his hips, "ALL YOU EVER DO IS FUCK THINGS UP FOR US AND WE'RE STUCK CLEANING IT UP!!!"

I went quiet, "I don't yell at my family 24/7 and you ask why I don't wanna be here!" I'd turn around going right back to my room of sadness, holding my ear for dramatic effect.

Techno just walked outside, pissed off while mumbling to himself, "And that's why I fucking hate younger siblings."

I heard it just feeling tears roll down my face as I threw the family photo on my bedside cabinet into the wall, "I hate it here! All we do is fight and I'm always to blame because I'm not like them!"


Mumza P.o.v.

I just rolled my eyes after the argument Wilbur, Techno and Tommy had, so I went to me and Phil's bedroom and shut the door. I looked at myself in the mirror in the closet and just sighed.

"Why is this family fucked up?" I thought to myself while I opened the closet and grabbed a jacket.

Phil walked in and gave me a questioning look that I just waved off before pushing past him and walking outside. He followed, while asking questions about where I'm going and why I look upset. So I turned around and glared at him, and he instantly knew to leave me alone. I turned around and stormed out of the house and away from Techno.

"Ma where are you going now?" Techno questioned with a sigh.

No answer, he got a cold demeaning glare, all knew well I didn't like it when we fought, as i'm assuming the youngest either, but he is the reason for our fighting, or so it's made to be believed.

I kept walking away and walking into the woods, trying to clear my head, thinking about everything. I sighed and ran into Schlatt, who smelt like alcohol like always. I instantly turned away from him only for him to yell my name.

"K–ris..ten" Schlatt Screamed, yet very much not sober at all.

"What the hell do you want, you drunken damn human?!" I snapped at him while turning around, with my hands on my hips.

The drunken ram as well usual was well touchy as he walked closer, "you~"

"Ugh fuck off I'm married you dumbass!" I rolled my eyes before turning around and trying to walk away.

Schlatt did have a band of marriage but was an unfaithful prick who used anyone he'd like, or can without much pushback. I could hear a tud. And looking at it as I jumped back..

The drunken lad passed out from too much drinking. I just rolled my eyes and mumbled a quiet 'dumbass' under my breath, before walking away again. I grabbed out the headphones that I had put in the pocket of my coat and pulled out my phone. I got onto spotify, and plugged my headphones into my phone, as I went searching through my playlists. I turned on one of the playlists that I made when the family wasn't arguing like this nowadays and The photo for the cover was a picture of Tommy smiling with a tooth missing. I sighed as the song "this is halloween" turned on since Tommy made this playlist for Halloween 9 years ago.

Sometime later I returned home as it was getting close to supper, and when I got back I was met with a frantic family.

"Tommy! He's not here- he was in his room 5 minutes ago '' Wilbur said in panic.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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