Chapter 10

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[ A/N: I graduate college in T-19 days!! Time to rise and grind. I'm super busy this week so I may only write this chapter unless I go sicko mode. Next week maybe 1-2, and then the last week is finals week so maybe only 1 then.

I have loved reading the comments people are leaving! Each one means a great deal to me and I absolutely read each one. Thank you all for your support while I try and improve my writing!

I hope you continue to read and enjoy!]

Upon entering the potions classroom, you found Garreth already working on some sort of honey colored potion.

"What are you brewing, Garreth?" You peered into the bubbling concoction and jolted back when a particularly large bubble burst.

He set down his wand and wiped the sweat from his brow. His skin was red from the close and prolonged proximity to the heat under the cauldron. "I'm trying to brew a potion that gives the drinker the ability to speak to animals for Leander." He grinned up at you, "He's been struggling in Care for Magical Creatures. The Kneazles hate him and he wants to try and reason with them."

You shook your head in amusement. The image of Leander negotiating with cats was enough to warrant a giggle. You turned your attention back to the potion in curiosity, "Any luck?"

Garreth sighed and watched the liquid shimmer, "I'm hoping so. Haven't tried this batch yet. The first one I gave him caused him to only speak in meows, but he couldn't understand his own meowing because his thoughts were also meows, so the Kneazles only got angrier with him."

You burst out in laughter, "You mean to tell me, Leander was stuck meowing like a cat?"

Garreth struggled to suppress a smile and pushed your shoulder, eyes twinkling, "Be nice! He was quite distraught I'll have you know!"

"Sure, sure, okay." Merlin, you wished you could tell Sebastian about this, but you knew he would only use the information to further antagonize poor Leander.

Other students began to enter the classroom including Sebastian and Ominis. The two boys who normally entered with some sort of conversation were abnormally quiet today.
Professor Sharp's voice cut over the chatter of the other students, "Open your textbooks to page 73. Today we are going over the Draught of Peace. Go ahead and begin grinding up your moonstone."

"So what were you up to so late last night?" Garrett's eyebrow cocked up in curiosity. "I saw Sa-Sebastian taking you to your dorm. You seemed exhausted."

Your heart twisted at the memory of the scriptorium, but you did your best to mask your face with a nonchalant expression while dropping a few crystals of moonstone into your mortar, "Sebastian, Ominis, and I were just up late studying. I must've fallen asleep."

You were lying. That much was apparent to Garreth. You came from the direction of the dungeons, not the library. He frowned but he didn't press further. Garreth tightened his grip on the glass bottle he was filling with the last bit of his experiment, "Ah, well, that was nice of him to help you back."

Pink tinged your cheeks as you stole a small glance at the tall brunette a few tables away. Sebastian's brow was furrowed in frustration his mind clearly elsewhere as he ground the stones roughly with his pestle. A frown tugged at your lips- did something happen? A note slipped in front of you tore your eyes away from Sebastian. You looked around to see that Garreth was busy starting the Draught of Peace after cleaning his cauldron. When you turned to Natsai, she gave you a knowing look and motioned for you to open the note.

Meet me outside Hogsmeade tomorrow after class.
- Natty

You looked up at her and gave a short nod, unaware that you now had Garreth's attention. You looked down at your ingredients to realize that you had forgotten to grab hellebore syrup. You mentally cursed yourself and got up to get it when Garreth stopped you, "Here, I grabbed an extra." He slid a vial to you, "You seem distracted today."

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