Chapter Two

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'This world is so confusing,' Carmen thought. She could have easily told herself no. She could've walked away, ignoring the baby's cry and she probably would've succeeded in getting herself killed. She could've gotten what she wanted. But here she was, at the police station, after supposedly doing the right thing, only to be held back as a suspect of murder and kidnapping.

Of course, why wouldn't she be a suspect? Her general appearance today wasn't appealing at all. She looked like a starved drug addict, who would do anything just to get her hands on money, but honestly, she wasn't looking like that because she did drugs, no.

She had just not been eating properly or taking good care of herself for that matter, but not to the extent that she'd look like a murderer. She couldn't even manage to kill herself.

"So why exactly were you there at that time considering the weather? Don't you have an idea of the number of murders that have taken place there?" the skinny man sitting across from her asked, frowning deeply.

She had been expecting someone to raise this topic, and the question just hit her. She fidgeted with her fingers, as she thought of a possible way to tell them about her situation without them immediately sending her to a shrink.

"I just went for a walk okay," her shaky voice tried to convince them, as she tried evening out her breathing. She couldn't afford to break down there in front of those people. "I've been walking around the area for two weeks and nothing happened."

The much sturdier man who stood at his side with arms folded narrowed his eyes at her. "Normal people do not go for walks there."

"Well, I'm not normal, okay." She was almost losing her control now. The baby's image flashed through her mind, and the memory of him wrapping his arms around her neck stung hard in her heart. She placed her hand on her chest, shutting her eyes tightly. "Goodness, I'm not... I'm going through a lot right now, and I'm having trouble coping."

She opened her eyes and looked at them earnestly. She wanted out of the place. They only continued looking at her weirdly.

"What do you mean you're not norm-"

"I lost my baby two weeks ago!" she blurted out, clenching her fists to give her some sort of control over her emotions. "I still can't come to terms with this reality, but that's what I'm living right now. I had nothing to do with the baby. I don't know who his parents are. I didn't know it was on the news that he was missing. I don't need anyone's money. I was just minding my own business, when I heard him cry. That's all. You don't even have enough evidence to question me as a suspect so just end this session before I report you to your chief."

That worked for her and they finally let her go after taking her contact and address.

She got out of the room and her eyes immediately fell on the cot by the receptionist's desk. She walked slowly towards it and then found the baby Jamal, as she had learned was his name, inside. He was fast asleep, obviously tired from what he had to experience.

Carmen smiled sadly at the baby, hoping he didn't get too affected or traumatised by what had happened. As she carefully studied the baby's features, she realised the resemblance to her late Collin. She chuckled, wondering why all babies almost looked the same.

"Stay healthy," she whispered silently to the child. "So, you don't break your father's heart." She was happy that the baby was finally going back to his family, but she was also concerned about how his father would feel, if he found out his wife was dead. Or did he already know?

The sound of a car screeching to a stop in front of the building made Carmen lifted her head up and she immediately stepped back beside the receptionist as other policemen entered the room. She looked through the glass doors and saw three people rush into the building with worry-stricken faces; two handsome young men and an older woman with beautiful ebony skin.

"Where is he?" the light-skinned young man among them bellowed to the officers.

"Over here, sir," the receptionist told him, pointing at the cot.

The man rushed over to the tiny bed, bending over slightly as he looked inside. Recognising the child as his, he sighed heavily and closed his eyes, relieved and thankful that his suffering had come to an end. He reached inside and carried the baby out, kissing his forehead while making sure not to wake him up.

"Oh, my grandson," the older woman gushed as she stood beside her son, rubbing the baby's back.

"Please hold him gently mom," he said as he placed the baby in her arms.

"Sure thing, Jamin."

Jamin left his mother's side and went to join his friend Luke, who was speaking to the police officers.

"Good day, Mr Perez. I'm Spencer, the officer in charge of your case," one of the officers introduced himself, stretching his hand out.

"Nice to meet you." Jamin shook his hand, wanting nothing but to get out of the place. These men had technically done nothing to help him. He could only thank God that things had turned out this way.

"We found your son safe and sound but were afraid to say that your wife-"

"I know," Jamin cut him off. "My PI will be here later to give you all the information you need. We already know the culprits and all we need from you now is to get a warrant for their arrest."

The officer's eyes widened, not expecting that reaction, but he nodded anyway. "Yes sir."

"Now I heard someone called to report my son's whereabouts. Where's this person?"

"Veronica?" Spencer turned to the receptionist.

"Oh, she's...oh..." she paused when she realised Carmen wasn't where they had last seen her. "She w-was just here. I think she left."

Jamin sighed in frustration and turned to Luke. They shared a knowing look. Could these men do anything right?

"W-we still have her contacts," Spencer added hopefully.

Carmen looked on from outside, smiling at the reunion. She thought the man had to be a very important person, with how the police officers were trying so hard to impress him. She wouldn't hide the fact that she was proud of herself for what she had done, but it still didn't cover the hole that was in her heart from interacting with that child.

She breathed out and turned away, walking back home.

By the time she got back to her house, it was night-time and the weather had surprisingly warmed up a bit. Her home was a small two-room apartment; a living room cum kitchen, and a bedroom which she previously shared with her two-year-old son. Coming back home only reminded her of how lonely she was, and how she had once again, failed at giving up on her life.

She sat down on the battered sofa, the only one she had, as she thought about the baby she had saved. He had a nice name. How was he feeling now that he was with his family? Would he even remember her?

She got up and walked to the window and drew the curtain as she inhaled the night air. She looked up at the sky hopefully, waiting for anything at all to happen. She wanted a miracle, something to ease her pain, something she knew sadly, would never happen.

'What the hell are you even doing Carmen,' she thought, mentally scolding herself. 'People don't rise up from the dead anymore. Collin isn't coming back...

...which is why you have to go to him...'


See ya in a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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