The Best Of Me

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"Will you stop?" I hissed at Andy.

This was the third time that he had trailed his hands in-between my thighs since we got into the car.

"Does it bother you?" He smirks.

"If it didn't, would I ask you to stop?" I snapped.

"Do you think asking me to stop is going to get me to stop?" He arched that perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

"Do you answer every question with another question?" I scolded him playfully.

"Do you?"

You're testing my patience here Biersack.


We arrived to the club in one piece. Andy's driving was frightening. I thought for sure we were going to rear-end someone. Mainly because he wasn't paying attention to the road and was too concerned with slipping his hand under my dress.

Valet opened my door and I stepped out. The attendant was a young man with a sweet smile.

"Good evening madam." He held my hand as I stepped out.

"Good evening." I smile back at him.

"Be careful of the curb." He made sure I was aware of it. He held my hand as I stepped onto the curb making sure I didn't fall.

As innocent of a gesture as I saw it, Andy didn't really feel the same way. He threw his keys at him causing him to let go of my hand and bumped into his shoulder which I am positive wasn't by accident. It could have been that or the death stare Andy was giving him.

"Jealous?" I teased him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I told you, I don't like to share." He's right, the night at the hotel we were talking about threesomes; I remember that topic coming up.

"Settle down." I petted his chest.

"Mia!" I heard Kara yell over the crowded entrance. She waved us over to them. Andy allowed his hand to drop down off my waist. I can assume it was not to cause a scene with Rider but I doubt it. It doesn't seem past him to do something like that.

"You guys ready?" She squealed in excitement. I could tell her and Jake were getting kind of close. He had his arms wrapped comfortably around her shoulders holding her back against his front.

I wasn't much of a dancer so it was the bar for me. Apparently Andy and the guys had been to this night club the night before and the bouncer had recognized them allowing us in ahead of the line. It was awesome to be one of those people. I could get used to this.

Before too long Rider found himself at my side as we walked into the main staging area. He tried wrapping his arm around me and I took a step away from him forcing his arm to come down. I shoot him a glare. I thought I made it obvious that I wasn't here with him. Hell, Andy had made it more than obvious that I was out with him. I don't know what is going on in his mind.

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