Chapter Two

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Kashikoi woke up Tomura at ten a.m. and handed the small child a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which he happily changed into. The shirt was a little big, but that was fine.

Tomura's room was right next to Kashi's, so that he could go wake her up if he needed her. The woman picked him up and carried the tired boy down to a warm breakfast of pancakes and bacon, which Kashikoi and Kaika had prepared just before Kashi had gone to wake up Tomura. The shy boy ate his plate of food with a wide grin on his face.

Once everyone in the house had eaten, Kashikoi and Tomura climbed into Kaika's van, which she had allowed them to borrow for the trip.

Kashikoi drove them out to the airport, where an "I" Island private jet waited for them since, the night before, Kashikoi had texted her sister to let her know they were coming for a visit. Kashi's little sister, Kōkatsuna Yōgo-sha (quirk: crafty) was a top support developer at "I" Island—even though she was only sixteen right now—and was always happy to have her family and friends visit.

Tomura gaped up at the sleek form of transportation. "Woah! Your sister owns that?"

"Uh, kinda?" Kashikoi laughed nervously. "It technically belongs to the place she lives and works, but she has the authority to send it places."

"Oh wow." There were practically stars in the kid's eyes.

"Alright, enough staring, kiddo. Get out of Kaika's car. We have to get there pretty quick if we want to be home before tomorrow."

"Okay, Momma." Tomura hopped out of the vehicle and grabbed Kashikoi's hand. The woman led her son up the ramp of the jet and they each took a seat inside.

The engines roared as the jet began to accelerate down the runway.


The jet landed on "I" Island and the pair stepped off of it.

"Kashi!!" a tall, thin girl with short, curly, blond hair and a button headband was running towards them.

"Hey, Suna. How've you been?" Kashikoi accepted the ensuing hug with a tired expression.

"I've been great! I just added some new upgrades to the Glue Gun! Now you can adjust the amount of glue used, and—and this is the best part—IT HAS A SIGHT NOW!"

"That's great, sis." You could see how tense the woman was around her overly energetic sister.

She looked down at Tomura to see that he was equally uncomfortable, picking at a loose thread on his shirt.

Kashikoi placed a hand on her sister's head, which got he rambling teen's attention. "Suna, do you remember why I told you I was coming over in the first place?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Something about a piece of gear? I don't know why you'd need it, cuz you're not a hero, but I'll still help you out, I guess."

"That's what I thought," Kashikoi sighed. "I need it because this kid I found and have unofficially adopted has a really destructive and dangerous quirk, and I need you to make some custom gloves for him, so he doesn't accidentally hurt anyone."

As she spoke, Kashi dug her fingers harder and harder into Kōkatsuna's shoulders, causing the lanky girl to yelp, but helped to keep the hyperactive teen focused on what her sister was saying.

"Oh yeah! I was wondering why that kid was here!"

"Okay, good. Now that we're done with that, let's go to your lab, 'Kay?" With that, Kashikoi started walking towards the lab, calling "C'mon, Tomi!" over her shoulder. The little red-eyed boy trotted after her, slipping a small, gloved hand into hers.


Kokatsuna's lab looked like a mess. The tables were covered in materials, tools, and products of all kinds; the floor had papers and scraps scattered over it; and the walls were covered in pictures of their family: graduations and birthdays and holidays.

Tomura picked up a picture that was sitting on the main desk. In it, Kashi and Suna were both in their teens—Kashi was around sixteen and Suna was about 13. Kashikoi was crouched on a large rock in the middle of a small river, and Kokatsuna was sneaking up behind her like she was about to push her in.

In another photo, it looked like a party of some kind. They were even younger in this one and Suna was wrestling with a group of kids around her age. Kashi was in the background sitting in a tree with a book and headphones, doing her best to ignore what must have been a loud group.

"Tomura, can you come over here, please?"

"Okay, Momma," Tomura walked obediently over to Kashikoi.

"Thank you, sweetie," Kashi said, then turned to her sister. "So basically, I need a glove that won't come off unless we want it to. It needs to be durable, but not obstruct his hand movements in any way. And it needs to be comfortable. I want him to be able to sleep in them comfortably. Oh, and I need it to be shaped like the temporary ones he has on now. And they need to be easily washable. He won't be taking them off often, so he should be able to wash stuff like juice out of them easily, because he's a kid, so he's gonna have stuff like popsicles and ice cream cones melting and dripping all over his hands."

Tomura held up his hand to show the teen his current pair of gloves.

Suna nodded and said, "That's easy! Give me a few minutes, and you'll have your new gloves before you can say 'derpy cat will come for your soul'."

Tomura gave the two women a weird look, but Kashikoi just barked a laugh and lead him out of the messy room.


While Kokatsuna worked on his gloves, Kashikoi and Tomura sat on a bench outside.

They weren't waiting long before a speaker nearby clicked to life: "Guys! I'm done!"

"Well, that was quick, wasn't it, Tomi?"

The little boy nodded and walked with Kashi into the building, clinging to her shirt with one hand.

They walked into Kokatsuna's lab and the teen instructed Tomura to sit on a stool at one of the tables. He obeyed, and Suna walked told Kashi to take his current gloves off while she got his new ones. Kashi grabbed a small pair of scissors and snipped the threads on each glove, throwing them into a nearby garbage can.

Tomura carefully curled his hands into fists and placed them in his lap so he didn't accidentally destroy anything.

Suna returned with two pairs of perfectly sized, perfectly shaped gloves. Each one has a special clasp and they were made of a material that neither Kashikoi nor Tomura had ever seen.

Suna showed them how to put the gloves on by fastening a model with the same type of clasp onto her own hand before she handed the gloves to Kashi, who put them onto the little boy's hands.

"How do they feel, Tomi?"

"They feel good," Tomura whispered, grinning shyly.

"Good." Kashikoi turned to her sister. "Well then. Thank you for helping us. I'll video call you on your birthday. Goodbye."

"Bye, guys."

"Bye, Auntie Suna," Tomura whispered before following Kashi out the door.


When they got home, it was dark outside.

Kashikoi and Tomura walked up to his room, where she tucked him in. After making sure Tomi was comfortable, Kashi kissed him on the forehead and sang him a lullaby.

Good Little Boys (Young!Toya, Young!Shigaraki, & Young!Hawks x Mother!OC)Where stories live. Discover now