|I{•------» [51] «------•}I|

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With the faint beeping sound of a heart rate monitor in the background, Ruka sat on the hospital bed, her tired eyes gazing out of the window. Bandages adorned her chest, spanning over her left shoulder, evidence of the recent attack she had endured.

As the door swung open, Kakashi stepped inside, his presence bringing a glimmer of relief to the room. "Good thing you're awake," he remarked, his voice laced with concern.

"Lady Tsunade informed me that the attack had struck your shoulder, sparing your vital organs. You're going to be okay," Kakashi explained softly as he made his way toward the window beside her bed. His gaze momentarily lingered outside before returning to her. "Asuma has been consumed with worry for the past two days. It might be best to let him know that you're awake."

Ruka nodded, meeting Kakashi's gaze. "Yes, it was Chidori," she confirmed, her voice tinged with regret. "I'm sorry."

Kakashi's visible eye widened slightly in surprise, his features softening with understanding. "Ruka," he spoke gently, "it's not your fault. Everyone makes mistakes, and you can't bear the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are not weak, and you are not alone in this."

Her head lowered, a heaviness settling upon her. "But I couldn't stop him. I failed to protect my friend."

Stepping closer, Kakashi reached out, his hand tenderly resting on her head, offering solace in his touch. "You cannot change what has already happened," he murmured, his voice filled with compassion. "But you can learn from it, grow stronger, and forge a new path. Look at how far you've come. You made a decision, took action, and because of that, your friends survived. I couldn't be prouder of you."


At the tranquil dock of the lake in the Sarutobi compound, where Ruka had spent countless hours training with Ebisu and her grandfather during her childhood, she found herself lost in contemplation. Thoughts of her uncertain future swirled in her mind, casting a shadow over her heart.

Word had reached her of Jiraiya's plans to take Naruto on a journey to strengthen his skills. Meanwhile, her friends were embarking on their own paths, driven by determination and a desire to grow. Shikamaru embraced his duties as a Chunin, Sakura and Ino delved into the world of medical ninjutsu under Tsunade's guidance, and Kiba set out to prove himself.

Yet, Ruka remained stuck, her path obscured by indecision. As she sat, caught between possibilities, she felt a presence approaching from behind.

Turning her head, she discovered her uncle, Asuma, making his way toward her. "Hey, I've been searching for you everywhere," he greeted with a sigh, taking a seat beside her. His eyes softened as he regarded her. "How are you feeling, kid?"

Ruka's gaze wandered across the serene expanse of the lake before she eventually met Asuma's concerned eyes. "Asuma... I've been contemplating leaving the village for a while," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

Instantly, Asuma's response was firm. "No."

Closing her eyes, Ruka braced herself, understanding the weight of his disapproval. After enduring the trials she had faced, she comprehended his concern. "I have to do this," she asserted, her voice resolute. "I can't remain stagnant, doing nothing while the world around me changes. I need to become stronger, and I feel

like I can't achieve that here. You're holding me back."

Concern etched on his face, Asuma raised an eyebrow, his furrowed brows reflecting his internal struggle. "And who will train you if you venture out alone? I can't let you leave Konoha without someone by your side."

Unexpectedly, a voice broke the silence, capturing their attention. Both Sarutobi turned to find an old man standing before them, his hair black and his right eye concealed by a bandage. He exuded an air of wisdom, dressed in a black robe that hinted at a life filled with experience.

"Master Rokuro," Asuma greeted, surprise evident in his voice. Ruka and Asuma rose to their feet, their eyes fixed on the unexpected visitor. "What are you saying?"

A warm smile graced Rokuro's features as he met Ruka's gaze. "I've been contemplating training her for some time now," he explained, his words bringing a sense of wonder to Ruka's heart. Memories of her cherished childhood interactions with Rokuro flooded her mind. "And it makes sense for me to take on that role."

Rokuro's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ruka, how would you like to join me on a transformative journey? We'll travel together, engaging in intensive training for the next two years."

Ruka's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and anticipation. Glancing back at Asuma, who wore a bewildered expression, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. "Really?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with hope. "I'd love to."

Asuma's sigh resonated with a mix of resignation and concern. Rokuro swiftly reassured him, attempting to alleviate his worries. "Don't worry, Asuma. If it puts your mind at ease, you can accompany us to the training grounds."

"I'm leaving today," Rokuro announced, a mischievous wink accompanying his words. "But I'll be expecting both of you in a few days, Princess."

With that, Asuma found himself reluctantly conceding, allowing Ruka to embark on a journey of growth under the guidance of his father's former student.

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