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At 4.30 a.m. the door suddenly banged open and 5 men came running into the hut. They banged their metal spears against the triple bunk beds, yelling "Get up! Now!" They weren't really showing mercy but just doing their job. Mercy? Hah! No. Angel squinted her eyes open and still saw the men's shadows leaving the room. It was hard for her to get up so early. Dazed, she climbed down the ladder. The wood the bed was made of was splintered and disgustingly mossy. It creaked with every step, apparently old wood. Knut was already waiting at the bottom and waved to her "Good morning" She didn't really react to that but just stood next to him hoping he knew where to go. "Come on. Training and work starts very early!" All the children who were trapped there (600 in total) had to gather in one place and wait for someone to give them instructions. Krogan came after a while and stood in front of everyone, so that everyone could see him. "You will have to do a Pakour so we can see if you are good enough to stay," he said. Just like that, without any emotion, just his arms behind his back. weird guy. One of the attendees asked confidently; "What if we don't make it?"

A grin appeared on Krogans Face as he started to Talk; "Things you don't need go in the trash." With that sentence, he simply walked away. The whole troop was gathered in a huge area with armed people around in case someone did something wrong. The Pakour looked heavy - one heard many complaints from all sides. First there was a 3 meter high wall, behind it a few ropes on which you had to shimmy. At the last rope you had to jump with momentum on a surface and crawl under blades. Then you arrived at the goal. Not so hard, right?

Knut nudged Angel with his elbow to get her attention. She looked over and he whispered to her, "When we get to the wall, climb over my shoulder." He winked. Angel nodded , she didn't know herself if she should like him or call him strange. Another man stood at the finish and started to speak: "When I say go, you go. if you don't make it, that's it for you!" some started crying again, but it was no use! since the previous day Angel remembered one thing, "crying is useless, it only shows that you are vulnerable." Suddenly the voice resounded. "Three, two, one, go!" This guy said it so fast that Angel didn't realize it was starting.

 Then she jumped in after him. So much chaos- everyone ran at that wall like a flock of wild sheep. Angel jumped with full force against the wall and drilled her fingers into single holes. Knut suddenly grabbed her foot from below and pushed her up so that she fell to the other side of the wall. Once there, she straightened up and ran against the ropes. With a running start she jumped against the swinging ropes. Many thoughts swirled through her head and panic wanted to take over her body, but Angel wouldn't let it. She clutched them with her whole body so that she wouldn't fall. Carefully she grabbed the next rope and jumped off.

She repeated this until she reached the end, the last rope. Angel swung her legs around in a tackle so that she landed safely on the platform. Then she rolled through the mud and shoveled her way with her arms. At the end she stood up quickly and took a deep breath. She wasn't the first - she was about the 55th. She wiped the drops of mud from her face and the grass that got stuck between her armor. Her eyes darted in all directions to see who could make it.When she looked back to see where Knut was, her breath literally stopped. Some people who did not manage to shimmy further, fell and were then pierced ice-cold by the sharp blades of the men.

Screams echoed through the gigantic ice cave and the dirt on the ground turned red. There was blood everywhere and the bodies of innocent minors lay everywhere. It was a trauma. Over 100 people were killed. Knut quickly grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her away. Then he put both hands on her shoulders and stood in front of her. He looked into her eyes and knew that these memories would haunt her for the rest of her life. "Angel-?" she didn't answer but just stared at the floor with wide eyes. Many started crying again, but it was understandable in this situation. Her eyes were so empty. Green, like a forest full of fresh trees, Like an Shinning Emerald, but so empty.

Behind Angel you could still hear the screams of the newcomers who were being decapitated. She will never forget these images. "Well done, younglings. You have met a new challenge and you have not failed. You shall be rewarded with food." Spoke Krogan and Turned around to walk away.

In the dining hall, Angel and Knut did not speak a word. They sat across from each other and Angel stared at their buttered bread. The hall was huge, many tables and a huge cupboard, where per person a bread, Rice, Dry Chicken and Water may be taken out. The guards checked everything, of course. Angel's bread was a little bit bitten, but she was not hungry at the moment. Not after what had happened. She just couldn't believe it all. Just a moment ago she had the perfect life and now? She remembered her mother. Will she save her? Angel got curious and after a long quiet while asked, "What were you before you came here?". Knut thought for a moment with his hand on his forehead, and told dan: "I inherited my parents' farm, but they died early.  I was mugged and woke up here, that's all I know..." The two looked at each other for a while until the hall closed and they had go on training.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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