🌲🐻Father! Muriel x Child! Reader🐻🌲

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"Inside." Her fathers voice bellowed from above. The girl furrowed her brows, craning her neck up at the giant of a man, going to speak her mind before meeting his stern, unmoving gaze. Y/n quickly closed her mouth like a clamp knowing better than to challenge him and opened the wooden door, creaking from the loose hinges, entering the home.

The hut was dark and stagnant, the fire not being lit all day caused the space to harbor cold, nipping air that made Y/N shiver. She moved out the way for her father to enter, watching as he dropped the heavy basket of chopped wood near the fireplace. He got down on his knees and began prepping to set it alight. Y/N held her arms and stood in painful silence, eyeing his movements, she knew she was in trouble. She waited, anticipating his next words.

"Sit." Muriel pointed to the stool next to him. Nodding, she perched on the end, fiddling with her hands. "Father, who was the lady-" he slammed the fire poker down on the floor as the fire roared to life, causing her to jump. He didn't look at her when he stood up and walked over to the table on the other end of the hut. Y/n hugged her arms once again, not daring to look at the man. Perhaps she should leave that question. She had never been in this much trouble before. Fear and guilt spread throughout her body, waiting in anticipation for his next words.

She heard rustling, then felt something drape around her shoulders. It was a fur pelt. "Your cold, move by the fire." A little part of her relaxed. Regardless of how angry he is, he still loved her.

She did as she was told. Moving the stool, she watched as the flames danced, spreading along the wood. Y/n snuggled into the blanket, embracing the warmth. The light from the fire lit up the walls, shadows dancing, flickering to and throw. She turned her head to see her father, back facing her with knuckles holding him up on the table. The dim slight projected his large shadow, making him somehow more intimidating. She cringed when he let out a deep, exhausted sigh.

"Why do you think I'm angry with you Y/n." Anger was a rare emotion she saw from him, it only showed when the chickens ran off or when he banged his head coming through the doorway. Apart from that he was calm, a gentle giant, never angry. Which made her realize the gravity of the situation.


looked to the side and pouted. "I left the house without mentioning it to you?" Muriel turned to face her and leaned on the table, arms crossed and thick eyebrows furrowed. "Try again." He grunted. She tried to come up with an appropriate answer, but ended up tumbling over words. "I guess, I guess I- uhm..."

"You went behind my back, snuck out to the city fully knowing the many times I've told you not to." Muriel finished her sentence. Y/n looked down and gave a simple nod. He continued. "All the rules and lessons I've instilled into you girl and you still go there. What have I taught you?
Y/n looked out to the fire and mumbled something incoherent. "Y/n?" The man brought a heavy hand to his forehand, massaging the temples. "I didn't hear you."

"Never go to the city... it's dangerous and no place for us." Y/n sighed. She leaned her chin on her hand. She knew the rule well enough, but it made no sense. "Father... I don't get the rule. We used to go to the city at least once a fortnight when I was younger, why have we stopped? All we do it walk around in the woods and tend to the chickens." She would never fully admit to her father that she was bored, that she wanted to leave the cramped cave. However cosy it may be there was a whole world out there to see. When Asra came to visit he would tell her all about his travels in far away lands. Y/n would sit and listen in admiration, she tried to imagine herself in the wonderful places he described. The vast ocean he would cross, the strange yet intriguing people he met on the way. It sounded spectacular. Yet... she was stuck here.

"People.... places. Places change. The times have changed. It's not safe unlike it was before. There's more pirates and thieves that run around the streets waiting to take advantage of vulnerable kids like you"

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