She is worse then hell

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She is worse then hell

Parental guidance is 13 for language  violence and sex

Stefan arrives is she okay she will be soon as damon says awkwardly ok I'm going to get water you want anything no I'm fine thanks they both reply to Damon ok be right back Elena gets up and says Stefan you will pay for this pay for what? She tells Damon I'm going to go bath ok Damon says as she walks out she goes to get some wood she throws sleeping pills in the whiskey knowing Damon will drink it so she can stab Stefan they both arrive home Damon drinks the whiskey and gets in bed falling asleep she goes to the river texting to meet her there he texts her okay see you there as he arrives she she takes off al her clothes when he arrives he calls her Elena he sees her she says Damon is nothing to me she kisses him and they have sexual  intercourse when they are done she waits outside with the stake Stefan comes out hey you okay yes but your not as she stabs him he says his last words you crazy bitch as he falls down Katherine appears you did well now take his phone and text damon he left town he doesn't want to pressure him okay she says Elena says fine but you Will leave us alone right yes I promise as she goes to hell under the tomb there are stares as Katherine goes down she laughs and says oh Elena this is only the beginning

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