Pool Girls!

17 2 5

Story Created: 4/9/23

1:00 P.M. – The Spies' Beach House

It was another normal day at the spies' beach house. Sam, Clover, and Alex were outside near the backyard doing some cleaning from a small pool party they all had yesterday evening with Nick, Mat, Britney, and Blaine involved.

"I think that's everything," Clover replied.

"Windows appear to be squeaky clean," Alex added as she was washing them.

"Our last thing to get is the pool," Sam stated.

"Maybe we should have some lunch first," Alex suggested.

"Good idea – we could use a little break, too," Clover replied in agreement.

Sam agreed as well, and the three of them went inside.

They found Britney inside just finishing her own lunch.

"Getting the pool?" Britney wondered.

"In a little bit," Sam answered. "Alex suggested we have lunch first."

"Great," Britney replied. "Need any help or is three enough?"

"That'd be great if you could," Alex quipped.

"Okay then," Britney replied, agreeing to it.

"By the way, did you hear when Nick and Mat are coming back?" Clover wondered.

"I think Nick said he was just getting Mat from the airport," Britney replied.

Sam and Alex looked at each other regarding their boyfriends.

"Are you thinking we do what we did the last time?" Clover giggled, seeing the look on Sam and Alex's faces.

"No harm in doing so since it IS pretty warm outside," Alex answered.

After a brief lunch, Sam, Clover, Alex, and Britney all used their X-Powders at the count of three.

"Man, it sounds like you definitely had fun," Nick quipped as he and Mat approached the beach house.

"Tell me about it," Mat replied. "As much as I love it in Beverly Hills, I do miss home every now and then."

"It's the place you were born and grew up in," Nick responded. "I feel that way about Tachikawa sometimes. Honestly, I was thinking of heading back there for a bit sometime in the future, just to see how the place has held up since I moved here."

Footsteps from nearby caught Nick's attention and he turned around to see Bridget jogging towards them.

"Hey there, you guys," Bridget quipped as she skidded to a stop close to them. "What brings you two out this way?"

"Well, I just went to pick up Mat at the airport after his trip back to Hawaii," Nick answered.

"Man, that place sounds really cool to visit," Bridget sighed.

"Have you ever been there, Bridget?" Mat wondered. "You know, like for your track team?"

"Not me, sadly," Bridget quipped. "Zoey got to go once for a collaboration we had with a school there, and believe me, Mat, I was incredibly jealous of that girl that day."

"Did you make Zoey promise to bring you along next time something like that happens?" Nick chuckled.

"Oh, I made sure to tell her to take the entire team next time," Bridget responded.

By the time they'd reached the beach house, they were wondering where the girls were.

"...huh. Is nobody home?" Mat wondered.

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