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In the days that followed the detour to Weebie Manor, the Am-I's tried to move on with their lives.

But Michellee felt restless.

At random points, she would suddenly remember that she never got to say goodbye to her father and would subsequently break down into tears. All it took was a little push from Rose to make her dad's life even more fleeting. In addition to being an abuser, now she had murder (or manslaughter, but let's not be sympathetic, for goodness sake) added to her rap sheet. Michellee was even more livid with Rose when she realized that.

But she tried to find solace in knowing that her mother was detained and her father was finally at peace.

Now she had one more thing to worry about.

There was that little black portfolio that Todd had recovered from the archives at Meepville. In it were art pieces done by Peter Paesano, her daughter E.B.'s biological father.

Knowing Todd, he most likely was forced by Rose to do research on her to find a way to hurt her more. The only difference was that Todd chose to do the right thing and keep his mouth shut. Michellee hoped he was able to patch things up with Bucky.

Early the next morning, Michellee asked, "E.B., could I see you for a minute?"


Michellee went into her room and sat on the bed. E.B. leaned up.

"What is it, Mom?"

The woman looked at the portfolio in her hands. "I...wanted you to see this."

"What's that?"

"This was your father's."

E.B.'s attention was officially grabbed.

"He was a postman, but he liked to do art on the side." She very carefully opened the portfolio, feeling like a surgeon cautiously making an incision. She bit her lip and clenched her eyes very briefly.

"You okay, Mom?", asked E.B.

"I'm fine", Michellee responded in a low tone. She sniffles.

Finally, the black folder was opened and the plastic sections within sprawled, resembling a fan.

E.B. takes a closer look. The drawings wowed her.

"Oh my...", the girl says in a soft voice.

Michellee pulls out some of the sheets.

She remembered several of them being drawn before her eyes. Even the ones that weren't finished left an impact on Michellee (perhaps in more ways than one).

The first one that she gravitated towards was a sketch of herself at twenty-two. Her hair was more unkempt than it was now and she even saw that Peter drew in the paint splatters she had on her smock at the time.


At the time, she was working on a new piece...

Michellee and Peter were out looking for inspiration on a calm spring day in Meepville. They rode the Park-and-Ride several times over to see the city landscape from different perspectives.

That night, instead of going back to Gia's house, Michellee elected to stay with Peter.

"...and maybe I could use a little blues here", she said, pointing to the sky she sketched out on her canvas. "And a little bit of cerulean there", she pointed to the ocean. "Finally, perhaps some grey."

In the meantime, Peter was sitting on the couch. His gaze shifted from his notepad to his girlfriend.

"You know you look so cute when you're in the zone like that, huh, Michellee?"

She blushed.


"What's that one?", E.B. pointed to another piece.

The brown haired woman looked at the sheet her daughter was acknowledging. This one in particular caused her to weep.

It was of a baby, nestled in a bundle of blankets and a cap on its head, sleeping.

"That was you, Elanabeth", Michellee said, her voice cracking.


After graduation...

Michellee made the decision to stay with Peter, especially since she was pregnant with his child. For sure this time, she was adamant about having a baby.

Peter shared in her excitement.

"This is exciting, babe!", he exclaimed.

"I know!" Michellee threw her arms around him.

"Having a baby. Gonna be a daddy", he sang.

"You know, I'm almost in my second weekmester. I can find out if we're gonna have a boy or a girl if you wanna know."

"'Course I do!"

The next day, after a visit to the doctor, Michellee revealed she was having a daughter.

Peter hugged her tightly. Soon after, he began his speculative piece on what his little girl would look like.

Little did he know, that'd be the only way he'd see her...


Michellee dropped the portfolio and began sobbing.

E.B. hugged her. "It's okay, Mom."

"I know." Michellee hugs her back. "E.B.?"

"Yes, Mom?"

"I'd like you to have this." She picked the portfolio up.

The younger girl took it. Even though she didn't know her biological father an ounce, she felt a surge of sadness rush through her. "Okay", she says calmly.

Then there was a knock at her door. Guy walked in.

"Hey, you two."

"Hi, honey", Michellee said back.

"Everything okay?"


Guy took note of their moods. He walks in and drops to his knees beside the bed. "Hey. I know all of us had a rough weekend, but I just had a crazy plan."

"What's that?"

Guy smiled. "I invited my mom and dad over for a couple days."

E.B. perked up. "Grandma and Grandpa are coming over?"

The Knox nods. "So...what do you think, Michellee?"

She looked her husband in the eyes and then she smiled.

Then she hugs him.

No words were needed for them at the moment. Michellee could tell right away Guy was helping them all with recovering from her mother's wrath. Any amount of time with her in-laws would make things much better.

As for E.B., she placed her father's portfolio in the drawer of her nightstand. She smiled at the pieces her mom showed her and then at the prospect of seeing her grandparents, her loving and caring grandparents again.

Then the door swung open again.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

"Junior! What is it?", Michellee asked.

"Nana and Pop-pop are here!"

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