PROLOGUE: Long story short, it was a bad time

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December 5th, 1977

"Father," she whispered, voice cracking. "Why are you doing this? Why must you decide my fate for me?" She cried out.

It was no secret; her father was arranging a marriage between herself; Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy. If Narcissa was completely honest with herself, she always knew this day would come eventually. It would've been foolish of her to think she ever had a choice.

Especially now that Andromeda had run off with Ted Tonks. And of course, Bella was already married to Rodolphus Lestrange.

Narcissa would never forget the look of utter terror forming on Bella's face when it was announced, Bella however, was not interested in men. Or anyone really. That would, obviously, never be accepted by their father.

Now, it was her turn. She was incredibly anxious, for Lucius had quite the reputation of manipulation and his occupation with the ministry. She vaguely remembered Pandora Lovegood telling her about Xenophilius Malfoy, and that he'd described Lucius as misunderstood before Xeno had ran away, with his beloved – and escape from all of the pureblood rubbish.

Possibly, she could at minimum get a good friend in Lucius.

If she refused and ran away like Andromeda, hell, like Sirius, she would feel guilty.

No. She couldn't leave Bella, she wouldn't leave Bella.

Merlin, help her.

Finally breaking out of her thoughts as she heard her father speak, "Narcissa. You know it has to be done, you have to marry Lucius Malfoy. It will be good for our families to unite," he narrowed his eyes as he spoke sternly. "Abraxas and I have already signed the papers."

That made her blood go cold. She didn't even have a choice in the matter. She felt helpless, useless, and powerless.

It was final and she could do nothing about it.

Her eyes were starting to sting, and she tried so hard to hold it in, but one silent tear managed to escape her cage.

"Okay," she nodded, accepting her defeat.

Her father gave a tight smile, not containing even the smallest tinge of warmth, for Cygnus Black's eyes were always cold as a snow storm. "You will be meeting with Lucius in two days."


December 7th, 1977

Two days later, Narcissa was a wreck. Nothing could calm her down, and she didn't know how to relax. It was disturbing, to meet your future husband once – of course she had met him before, but really meet him, and then just decide what date the wedding should be and how many kids you plan on producing. If she even had a choice in that matter, not like she would be the one pushing the child out.

She sat in the drawing room, waiting for the Malfoy's to enter. And sure enough they did, right on time. Literally, on the exact second.

First came Abraxas Malfoy, a man who looked too prideful in his steps. He walked like he owned the earth. Lucius was right behind him, and when she saw him, her mind stopped working for a hot second. He had gorgeous platinum hair, going past his shoulders. His eyes were the perfect blend of shining silver and dull grey.

Lucius' gaze fell onto her, and he swore he had never seen a more elegant looking witch, or wizard. The way she held herself. He knew she was checking him out, because he was doing just the same. And who could blame him, really? The two were supposed to spend the rest of their 'happily ever after' lives with each other.

He had met her before in Hogwarts, and seen her but now when he saw her here, waiting to be told when they were to be wed, she looked vastly different. Both good and bad, her appearance had always had that effect that caused you to look once more after walking past her in, say, the halls of Hogwarts. He couldn't lie, she was stunning, and only a fool would think otherwise.

However, her eyes told a whole another story. They looked tired, almost red from crying, he assumed. She had poorly concealed dark bags under her eyes, and she, overall, looked tired.

Lucius couldn't help but frown. Of course, he wanted his future wife to be in impeccable health. Mentally and physically.

Narcissa had zoned out. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking about the wedding, which apparently was to be set three weeks after her 19th birthday. Their wedding was on January 22nd.

It all felt surreal, in barely a month she would be married, having to think about producing an heir. Merlin, what if she couldn't produce an heir? She knew some of her ancestors had had troubles in that regard.

How was she supposed to just be okay with everything when they didn't even know the other's favourite colour? Not that that mattered.

From one moment to the next her thoughts drifted to Andromeda. Her heart broke a little when she realized Andromeda wouldn't be able to come to her wedding.

Lucius kept his face natural. He knew the importance of this wedding, so he couldn't afford to show any emotions except pride.

It was all foolish, really.

He could practically hear the thoughts swarming inside Narcissa's head. She looked troubled.


December 7th, 1977, evening

Narcissa was sat in her room, looking out of the window.

It was fascinating. How the sky could change so drastically even if you only closed your eyes for a minute. From light blue to dark blue to light blue again. And again.

Funny how the changes of time was one of the only things that would forever stay the same.

She was trying to write a letter, to Andromeda.

Dear Andy,

I am to be wed on the 22nd of January.

I miss you. I need you.


Dear Andromeda,

How are you and Ted?


She sighed, and frustratingly pulled at her hair.

She didn't know what to write. Was it even worth it writing to Andromeda?


[A/N] Hi! I hope whoever reads this enjoyed this chapter.

This is my first fic, and I'm so excited to write this, however seeing as it is my first fic it won't be all that good – and I really would appreciate criticism!!

Most of this is just my imagination, and nothing except (maybe) Narcissa's and Lucius' marriage is close to canon. I did change a few things such as Xenophilius being Lucius' brother and their age. Narcissa was born in 1958 and Lucius was born 1956.

Don't forget to take care of yourselves, eat, drink, sleep or just do what you need for yourself. You deserve it!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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