Story and Events

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Intro (Rank 1): Ethan/Tohru/Custom Worker receives an email about papa louie offering legendary noodles at his new restaurant. They come to the restaurant to try the noodles, but papa louie accidentally burns them, leading to the last stash of them being gone. Papa Louie then goes off to find more legendary noodles, and leaves Ethan/Tohru/Custom worker in charge of the restaurant while he goes off, and the game begins.

Rank 4:

At Rank 4, you will unlock your assistant in the restaurant, which can be Ethan, Tohru, or the custom worker. They will help out in the Noodle Mia, and will take Delivery Orders on their first day, followed by dine in orders on their second, and this will cycle through each day. After completing your first day with your assistant, the food truck will open, and you can experiment with orders as much as you'd like as you play.

Rank 6: Holidays begin, starting with Mardi Gras, and will cycle through for the rest of the game onwards at every 5 ranks.

Breaking News #1 at Rank 16:

Duke Gotcha tunes in for an update as Cherry Blossom Festival approaches. With Tohru being a worker at the Noodle Mia, customers are confused who will step up to represent Cherry Blossom Festival. A local Sakura Bay Resident, retired actress, and lover of all plants, Evelyn (whom I headcanon as Tohru's grandmother as well) happily agrees to step up to the position. She is shown getting a new outfit designed by Karen and Margaret (new customers and my ocs) as the segment ends.

Breaking News #2 at Rank 21:

Duke Gotcha tunes in for an update as Cinco de Mayo approaches. He reveals that Papa Louie isn't having any luck finding legendary noodles, leaving the Noodle Mia workers saddened. Though, Shannon shows that the Noodle Mia has gained positive reviews from customers so far, which brightens their mood. 

Breaking News #3 at Rank 31:

Duke Gotcha tunes in for an update at the conclusion of Summer Luau. He reveals that a couple has been gaining popularity in the flipverse (Shawna and her f/o Red Fiend). Many customers begin supporting their relationship and even petition for a holiday in their name in July. While reluctant at first, Starlight Jubilee/BBQ fans (which show Boomer, Felicia (My oc , Boomer's Girlfriend,and new customer), Indigo, and Marty in the Segment) agree to give up their usual holiday spot at Noodle Mia. Thus, The Noodle Mia and Sakura Shores establishes ¨Redawna Day¨ as the official holiday of July in the town.

Breaking News #4 at Rank 41:

Duke Gotcha tunes in for an update as BavariaFest approaches. He reveals that Papa Louie has found the legendary noodles, but is currently making enough to ensure that nothing happens, meaning that it will take some time before they are available at the Noodle Mia. The last scene shows the noodle mia workers and loyal customers waiting in anticipation.

Breaking News #5 at Rank 56:

Duke Gotcha tunes in for an update as Christmas approaches. He announces that Mrs. Claus, Santa ' s wife, will be appearing to unlock the holiday, as he is going to be late delivering presents. Meanwhile, it is announced that Papa Louie has a big surprise in store with the legendary noodles.

Breaking News #6 at Rank 61: 

As Lunar New Year approaches, Duke Gotcha and Shannon tune in for a final update. Papa Louie has produced a massive amount of legendary noodles, and plans to have them all at a special dinner during Lunar New Year. Customers eagerly start decorating the town in excitement, and prepare and exhibit for the legendary noodles.

Rank 65: Ending

Papa Louie arrives at the Noodle Mia to relive the workers from their duties for the special dinner. All the customers gather out in the town for the dinner, and celebrate Lunar New Year together, with good fortunes wished amongst them all. The workers are surrounded closely by Evelyn, Shawna, Red Fiend, Shelby, Boomer, Felicia, Karen, and Margaret the whole time, and the ten gather for a special photo with the rest of the customers in the background as the ending sequence comes to an end.

This is followed by the usual final parade.

Afterwards, in the day time...

Papa Louie is unlocked with Pork (final standard meat) and Legendary Noodles, which have become available in the Noodle Mia year-round.

and yeah :)

that's the story.

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