Chapter 21

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Slight inappropriate-ness towards the end


I crouched behind a line of boulders with Poppy and Ominis already set up there. Poppy glanced quickly at me in Sebastian's coat before snorting and turning back to the Kneazles that were curled up into balls sleeping.

"Oh my goodness." I whispered. "I haven't felt this excited over animals since the first time Newt took me out to save a creature."

I felt Sebastian get really close behind me as if there wasn't room next to me for him to crouch. I could feel his breath in my hair as he watched the creatures sleep.

"Shall we get some for the vivarium?" Poppy asked.

"I have a male.. I'll need only a female."

I watched a lighter colored female stand up and let out a big stretch while she yawned away her tiredness. I felt into my bag for leather bag to catch creatures but froze when it wasn't in its spot.

"Oh no." I looked in the bag take out a few of the items. I had enchanted it so I could carry more but there was no leather bag. "It's not in here. I must have left it with Deek."

Poppy and I gave each other sad looks as we realized we wouldn't be taking him any new friends.

"Well, I guess observing them is just as fun." Poppy smiled, quick to find a positive.

As the four of us sat there I handed out Sebastian's sandwiches to everyone. They all seemed to be different flavors. I spotted what looked like ham and cheese and quickly claimed that one.

Slowly everyone ate their food and watched the creatures interact with each other. I was quiet and peaceful. A few times other students stopped by for a bit and watched with us but we seemed to be the only ones who stayed all day.

The day would have been absolutely perfect if that nagging feeling of being watched wasn't there all day as well. It took everything in me not to turn around every few seconds and check. The few times I did Sebastian would see and immediately turn around as well. But every time I checked no one would be there.


We met up with everyone in the Hamlet later that night. Like the professor had said the people who lived there had set up a big feast for the 50 or so of us students. Everyone was happy and joyful as they ate and talked about the day but I still couldn't get that damn feeling to go away.

At one point while he walked around checking on everyone Marc caught me looking around and stopped next to me, "what is it?" He asked.

"Nothing, I've just been feeling weird all day. Like someone is watching me or something."

He listened to me before glancing around himself, "I've been getting the feeling too lately. Especially today."

We both glanced at each other, "I wouldn't be.." he suggested knowing I was thinking the same thing.

Our father.

"He's crazy but not crazy enough to stalk his own kids while he's wanted." I sipped my tea before remembering I hate tea and put the cup back down.

"I'm not sure... his true pride and joys just..." he actually looked me in eyes for the first time in forever. I saw his heart break all over again at the thought of the twins.

I could feel Sebastian put a hand on my thigh under the table. A way of comfort and keeping me sane I'm guessing.

"I'm sorry..." I realized after I said that out loud.

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