theres a good ending

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D- Digi
C- Crypt
I picked my phone up and dialed Septics number slowly as my hands shook from how scared I was to hear the truth

Septic answered almost immediately as if he was expecting my call

S: "What's up Digi?"
D: "We really need to talk about things so that I can hurry up and get over you."
S: "That's fine I was just about to go to sleep so make it quick."
D: "What are we? Are we just friends and if we are then I don't want you sneaking over anymore."
S: "Well we're nothing more than friends so there's your answer."
He then hung up and I sat on my bed and cried for hours to Bubbles and Crypto about him.
Bubbles turned on Slagalicious to try and make me feel better and not even that helped. I was giving up on happiness when Crypto showed me a picture that Muffin just sent her of Septic and Crypt at dinner together minutes after the phone call.
"I knew he was lying when he said he hated that sheep shagging bastard!" I screamed at Crypto and shoved my face into my pillow

S: "So why did you want to meet with me Crypt? I was trying to sleep."
C: "I just wanted to spend time with you is there a problem with that?!"
S: "Yes there is! I don't like you like that and you're ruining my chances with Digi everyday!"
C: "Maybe because I like you and I don't want you with her! She probably thinks your sleeping right now which is why I made sure that Muffin got a picture of us together to send to Crypto so that Digi backs off of you!"
S: "I will never date you Crypt so move on!"
C: "You're going to have to when Im all you have!"
I stood up and walked out of the restaurant and to Digi's dorm, knocking on her door slowly
S: "Digi it's Septic open up."
D: "Go away asshole!"
S: "who's asshole? I'm Septic!"
D: "oh my god you're so stupid!"
She opened the door and I just hugged her and I told her what happened. She eventually forgave me and I ended up sleeping over at her dorm (on the floor) telling her about what Crypt said.

//next chapter coming soon

Digi X Septic Soulmates AU Where stories live. Discover now