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In the morning Gabi met up with Peach and Mario in the main throne talking to Toad. "Hey sleepyhead. I thought you'd join us at breakfast." Said Mario looking at her. "I didn't feel like eating and barely slept with Luigi in danger." Said Gabi rubbing her left eye. "Lucky for you I grabbed you a green apple. I know you enjoy them." Said Mario pulling out an apple from his overall pocket. He tossed it to Gabi who caught it fast with her left hand as Peach went over to her. "We are gonna follow Toad to Kong Kingdom then the race." Said Peach. "Whatever we're up against. We'll be ready." Said Gabi throwing and catching the apple in her hand. "Then let's go." Said Mario walking with Peach and Toad. Gabi looked down at the green apple and tossed it into a potted plant before following close behind. "While we got a long ahead. Why don't you tell me about the real world?" Said Peach. "It's really not that exciting. It's not something you enjoy." Said Gabi. "You kidding? You enjoy hanging out at the clubs singing your heart out like my ex Pauline. Trust us. There's a ton of things you like to see and do in our world. Let me tell ya about our family visit away from Brooklyn." Said Mario telling Peach about their family. Gabi looked around not hearing a word from the two and noticed Nebu shooting by smiling and waving. She looked at them confused and looked forward seeing Mario and Peach getting along as Toad looked back to make sure everyone is behind him. They walked for hours passing the grassy fields with huge cannons to the desert with the upsidedown pyramids. "That's something you can't see everyday." Said Mario after seeing the pyramids they passed by. "Get used to it." Said Gabi as no one didn't hear her. "So what does Bowser want with your Kingdom?" Said Mario. "I don't know but we can't let him have it. It's my job to protect my people." Said Peach smiling down at him. "Hey guys. We are almost to the Kingdom." Said Toad looking at the mist covering the bottom of the tall stone towers. Peach,Mario,and Toad admired the the view while Gabi looked over at the red and black sunflower disappear into the dirt. "Gabi are you okay back there?" Said Mario. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me so much." Said Gabi. "But i do. Last time you barely got a full night sleep. You slept for a week straight that we thought you died." Said Mario. "Dramatic much." Said Gabi. "Says the girl who was thrown into a ice cold kiddie pool." Said Mario. Peach chuckled as Toad told everyone to be careful ont he way down the hill.

Meanwhile back in Bowser's Castle the real Gabi watched the cloud of 'her' walking with Peach, Mario, and Toad to a jungle area. She looked over at Kamek who just came in with Bowser to his throne room. "Why am I here?" Said Gabi. "You're the key to my success of conquering the world." Said Bowser. "You sure it doesn't involve you not getting your tail kicked by Mario." Said Gabi. Bowser walked over to her with a snarl grabbed her cage pushing it hard to make Gabi almost run into his snout of she didn't grab the first two bar to keep her steady. He didn't says anything but kept on angry look on his face while taking in Gabi's features bu tKamek cleared his throat. "My King. The illusion spell is close to wearing off. May I?" Said Kamek gesturing Gabi. "Not this again." Said Gabi as Bowser unexpectedly grabbed a piece of her hair to keep her in place. "I hate you two." Said Gabi before feeling Kamek hit her with his magic. She felt the electric pain coursing through her body as her energy slowly poured out and flowed through the cloud showing an albino gorilla roaring at them. After that was over a Koopa servant came in with a green apple that was sliced putting in the food slot of her cage and left. "you're torment isn't over yet." Said Bowser. "oh that wasn't torture." Said Gabi gesturing Kamek's wand. "No. Shall we do your practice?" Said Kamek. "Question. Why am I not locked like the other prisoners?" Said Gabi. "I already told you." Said Bowser. "Yeah but Luigi and Mario are my brothers. What make me different?" Said Gabi. "Those two love you and you're an orphan. Once they are gone and Peach as my Queen. We will be unstoppable." Said Bowser. "First I already knew I was adopted at eight and didn't confront anyone. Second you're never going to succeed to the world domination plan and Their Princess Peach doesn't like you!" Said Gabi then got zapped by Kamek's wand.

"Don't listen to her. Let us practice the proposal to your future Queen." Said Kamek poofing his Princess Peach outfit complete with the blonde wig and pink lipstick. 'Oh god.' said Gabi but realized she actually got muted. She glared at Kamek then saw Bowser put on his wedding hat on holding a bouquet of dangerous plants. Gabi got up from sitting for so long but her legs were dead asleep and fell causing a loud metal bang. Bowser growled at her before he cleared his throat and turned around smiling. Gabi didn't make out what he was saying as the scene happening was both cute and creepy yet funny to tell Johnny of they ever get back home. She then snapped out of it feeling her stomach hurting from not eating all day and took the sliced apples munching on them. Bowser turned away dramatically looking at Gabi who accidentally made ye contact before he faced Kamek holding out his claw hand asking the question. "Oh yes." Said Kamek in a raspy high voice making Gabi cough up her eaten apple from attempting to laugh. "My King." Said A Koopa after opening the doors. "What?!" Said Bowser annoyed looking at him. He then looked at Gabi and gestured Kamek to follow him to the other room so she wouldn't listen. Gabi waited for a few minutes to an hour before swinging her cage back and forth until the stand of the cage tipped and crashed hard enough for the bottom to break open. 'Yes!' Said Gabi then looked for a window and ran to it. She pushed it looking down to see a very long drop and looked up as the sky. Gabi placed her index finger and thumb in her mouth and blow letting out a loud whistle. Nebu flew down seeing her looking confused as Gabi stepped on the sill making it clear to them that she needs a lift. 'Thanks Nebu. I can't talk due to a spell Mario and Peach are with an illusion.' Said Gabi. "Oh. I get it but you don't need to talk physically but mentally. You know mind talking." Said Nebu. 'Got it now let's go before they realize that I escaped.' Said Gabi. Nebu shot up flying towards Kong Kingdom with Gabi holding on looking back Sally leaving Luigi behind again.

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