Chapter 23

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Sebastian's pov

I had woken up about an hour ago but I just stayed in bed staring at the ceiling. Was I smiling? I probably was. I don't think I stopped since last night. I felt complete. I felt genuinely happy. Over the moon almost.

Last night was amazing. The way she felt. They was I felt. If there was any faltering that I loved her in my mind it was completely gone now. I love Ava La Fey.

I had never felt as euphoric as I did last night. Every sound she made made me feel like I was in heaven. Her soft moans and 'I love you' made my heart feel full.

Ava had me wrapped around her finger and I am completely 100% okay with it. She had fallen asleep after we finished. I slipped her shirt back on her and gathered my belongings before apparating into my tent. I'm pretty sure I had just fallen on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Ominis was still softly snoring in his bed when I started to hear noises outside. At first Ignored it, thinking it was just people waking up.

But something about the tone of voices made me sit up confused. I reached for my sweater realizing it wasn't there. Confused I looked around a bit but couldn't find it. I shrugged and just pulled on my Slytherin sweater just as the flaps to our tent swung open and Marc La Fey rushed in.

"Where were you two last night?" He asked loudly making Ominis quickly sit up in his bed.

"Uh.. I went to bed early." I'm not about to tell Ava's older brother where I was last night.

"I was talking to Miss Sweeting." Ominis yawned.

Marc walked over to me, "where were you really?"

I felt my face get hot and I quickly stood up. "Sir I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I just originally went to check on Ava cause she seemed upset and we got carried-"

"What are you talking about?" Marc asked.

I looked at him confused and embarrassed, "you aren't here about what Ava and I did...?"

Marc looked disgusted. "Ew. Dear Merlin. No. Hell no." Marc stepped away from me. It was only then I saw the wand in his hand.

Panic shot through me as I immediately pictured him using the killing curse on me right here and now. But instead a now nauseous looking Marc put his wand away.

"Last night. Probably after... that, someone wrote 'murderer' all over the ground in front of Ava's tent in blood."

Ominis and i were both standing up straight and getting ready to head to the girls tent. I rushed to get my shoes on while Ominis quickly got dressed.

"So I take it you two didn't see or hear anything."

"No" we both answered without stopping what we were doing. We ran past him and to the girls tent.

The words were no longer on the ground in front, just a red murky puddle that muddied the dirt a bit. Some girls from different houses were walking out. Imelda walked out also and saw us approaching.

"You took your time getting over here." She complained.

"We just found out." Ominis sounded almost as pissed as I felt.

"Poppy and Natsai just told her to lay down. She wouldn't touch her breakfast. She's starting to shut down again like she did right after the maze trial."

Imelda sounded genuinely sad which shocked me but I didn't have time to let her know. I walked past her into the tent. Natsai was cleaning something in the kitchen area while Poppy rubbed Ava's back.

Poppy smiled sadly when Ominis and I Entered. She hurried over to us and whispered, "I'm kinda worried. She was doing a lot better, but she's acting like how she did for that month after the twins passed." I patted Poppy's shoulder. "Sebastian you should talk to her, Ominis, let's get you some tea, you don't look awake yet." Poppy looked back at me before walking away, "she was really happy this morning."

as she took Ominis I walked up to Ava's bed. I walked to the side she was facing and bent down. Her eyes were puffy and zoned out. Her lips were still a bit swollen from last night but I knew it wasn't the time to bring that up.

"Morning, Love." I whispered to her.

She glanced at me and gave me a heart breaking smile. "When did you wake up?" She asked softly.

"Just a little while ago. Heard you are having a tough morning."

She reached her hand out and took mine. "It's my fault." She whispered breaking my heart, "I was really getting better at pretending it wasn't, but we need to be honest. It's all my fault, just like Professor Fig, and Lodgok."

"Shh shh," I said softly, wiping her eyes, "this is in no way your fault. Someone is just playing a really mean prank on you." She let out a long sigh. "Ava, I love you so much. I'd never lie to you."

She smiled softly again, "I love you too."

"Will you try to get up and eat a little bit for me? And then we can go on a small hike maybe, or just take it easy today."

She nodded slowly.

"Good girl."


Sorry for the sadness. Sweeter chapter next I promise

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