Optionus : A Land with No Rain And Sun

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In a land of endless choices,
Where people had to heed the voices,
Of the morning proclamation,
And make a choice without hesitation.

This place was called Optionus,
Where everything was left to us,
To choose between two things each day,
And follow the rules without any delay.

At the age of five, we learned the way,
Of the seasonal coins that we could play,
Summer, fall, spring, and monsoon,
Where spring was highest and fall a boon.

One day was equal to twenty here,
And nobody had seen rain in years,
After the war of King Summer and Queen Fall,
Where they both died, leaving no one tall.

Without the sun's rays for eighty-four years,
And no rain to wash away the tears,
The people of Optionus were in despair,
Wondering if life was even fair.

But one day, a girl named Riance came,
She held the sword of King Sun, not in vain,
And the crown of Queen Fall on her head,
A symbol of power that others had led.

Riance knew that power was not all,
And that love and peace must stand tall,
She claimed to be the daughter of both,
And asked the people to pledge an oath.

To end the power that caused them strife,
And to embrace love for a better life,
The people didn't agree with her ways,
Until she sang in melody and amaze.

She broke the sword and it started to rain,
A sign that the King still loved her, not in vain,
And then she broke the crown with a smile,
The rain stopped, and the sun shone for a while.

For the first time in years, the people saw,
The raindrops that fell and the sun's raw,
Power was not everything, as they had learned,
Love and peace were what really mattered and earned.

And so, Optionus prospered again,
With the promise of love and peace that would remain,
Riance had shown them the true path,
Where power was not everything but love a great aftermath.

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