Chapter 1

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As the sun slowly rises, the moon sets on the horizon. Knowing that the hunters are leaving for the cities, she closely monitored the forest. Now that hunting season is over, Weylyn had more breathing room. Lilith leans on her shoulder, breathing out from among the thorns and leaves. Both of them stifle their breath as the horses gallop by. Fae in capes riding them, faces hidden, returning into the desert while leaving dust in its wake. Once they were sufficiently far away, Lilith and Weylyn emerged from the bushes. 'Are we also going to the desert?' Such tender eyes gazed up at her. Weylyn gave a nod. By holding hands and moving toward the river, there was a better chance of escaping if necessary. Fish were swimming peacefully in the calm, still water. Strolling along the bank, Weylyn envied them. Her toes were sinking into damp moss and mud. Which was quickly replaced by dry sand. Given the rarity of a spring, it's best to stay as close to the river as possible. Across Weylyn's body, beads of sweat developed. Lilith, who was unaccustomed to these conditions, was on the verge of falling over as the sun rose higher and the heat increased. While maintaining her guard, Weylyn did her best to keep moving. An eagle flies overhead, frightening Lilith. Their bare feet were practically on fire due to the hot, burning sand. Nearing the end of the river, the sun was directly above them. Lilith stopped panting close to the bank. Weylyn reluctantly came to a stop next to her. Because of Lilith's maturity and appearance, she occasionally forgot that she was a child. Because there were few bushes in the area, it was going to be difficult to hide. Weylyn watched the dunes as they drew closer to the water and urged Lilith to drink. "Time is running out." Time is a major issue. The fae enjoyed hunting at night, whether it was hunting season or not. Taking Lilith home is a big risk given that her family is in one of the six courts. They would probably think of her as a threat and do something cruel. Weylyn promised Lilith that she would take her home. Not allowing herself to break, yet another promise. Lilith stood up after wiping her mouth. 'We can keep going.' They headed in the direction of the line separating the nations and the courts after taking her hand once more. Weylyn came to a stop at the end of the river and peered over at the greenery on the other side. Stepping into the river. Lilith stood on the bank, fear enveloping her face. Moving toward the bank Weylyn extended her arms for security. Weylyn mouthed, 'Come on.' Lilith moved toward the water's edge, being aware that the only way home is to go through the river. Staying close to Weylyn embracing her. Weylyn lifted Lilith onto her shoulder while gritting her teeth as the water reached her chest. Wading through the water, fighting the surprisingly strong current. This time, her height let her down. Weylyn had to watch out for any sea creatures that liked to venture into these waters while dodging sharp rocks. Thankfully, the river wasn't too wide. Helping Weylyn out of the water, Lilith hopped onto dry ground first. Weylyn, who was dripping wet, rung out the tattered dress she wore, before moving forward. "I remember this!" Weylyn put a finger to her lips, pulling Lilith down behind a tree. Lilith nodded as fear returned. While two armored fae passed, Weylyn gave a foreboding expression. Once more in her element of secrecy, hiding amongst the trees and bushes. As they moved, the voices and footsteps faded. Switching from bush to bush, tree to tree. 'There.' Lilith pointed to where the trees went from an autumnal green to an evergreen state. Moving cautiously in its direction. 'Hey!' from a few inches away Weylyn spun around. Weylyn grabbed Lilith "Damn" sprinting for the trees. "Where did I go wrong that I could be seen?" Lilith screamed as an arrow shot through Weylyn's shoulder and ran faster than ever before. Struggling to her feet, Weylyn made an effort to catch up. She was struck again passing the evergreen trees. Unable to stand up this time. Despite her best efforts, Lilith was unable to lift her. The familiar taste of blood filled her mouth. Reaching for Lilith's hand Weylyn hissed. 'Run' her voice raspy from disuse. Hesitantly Lilith bit her tongue and ran. There, watching her flee this reoccurring scene. The grass was stained with blood; angry voices came from behind her. Seemed like a quarrel of some sort. The trees reached high into the sky, while birds chirped in the distance, listening to the sounds of nature.

How long had it been now? Those who were quarreling just stood watching her. Waiting, waiting for what? Waiting for her to bleed out and die? Was that humorous? Dying here, failing her mission, her duty. The promise made all those years ago she would break. Focusing on what was and wasn't done will do little to nothing now. Pulling the arrows out with the little strength she could muster, managing to bring up the magic left in her memory. Gritting her teeth while blood trickled down her chin. Magic doing a somewhat decent job, her attention now drawn to approaching fae from which the direction Lilith fled. If something happened to her Weylyn would never forgive herself. Lilith emerged from the trees with fae that looked similar to her. Most likely family but why had she come back? The males at the tree line began backing away, showing nothing but terror. Weylyn couldn't keep her eyes open.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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