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"I'm sorry?" Corin asks "Corin, here. But did you just say"

"My family practices incest" she says "keeps our bloodline pure" we are completely silent, I mean what does one say to that? "You all are disgusted aren't you?"

"No" we deny while Heidi says "yes" we give her a look.

My mate laughs "It may seem weird to you but my family has practiced incest for over a thousand years. We rarely ever marry outside of the family" yawning "excuse me but I must retire to my chambers"

"Of course" Chelsea says "let me help you"

When they are far enough away, Demetri sits down next to me saying "Even though your mate is blind, she definitely knows how to please a man"

"What" I demand "does that mean?"

Holding his hands up "When she thought I was writing a letter to her husband slash brother, she went into like a five page graphic detail erotica of all the things she wanted to do and expected her husband to do when they reunited"

Santiago and Afton burst out laughing "Wait!" Santiago asks "could you repeat what she said?"

"I don't know" Demetri looks at me "do you want me to?" We see Chelsea come in then.

"Your back" Corin says "just in time to here Demetri tell us what Felix's mate was telling him to write"

"How is she?" I ask

"Very tired" she tells me "and apparently before she's been having dreams about you"

"What?" I ask, should she even be telling me this?

Nodding her head "She heard your voice for the last few months-now what did she say?" Demetri, he goes into such graphic detail for the next twenty minutes and when he stops we stare at him.

"Wow" Alec says "that is graphic"

"Also" Demetri adds "wait a few years to turn her, she's currently one and four right now" what? She seems older.

"Are we sure she's even royalty and not some whore?" Heidi demands and I grab her by her throat, she coughs grabbing my arm clawing at me.

"Call my mate" I warn "a whore one more time and I'll end you, am I clear?"

She get out "yes" when cracks form in her neck. Dropping her, I leave to my mate who is sleeping peacefully. Taking off my shoes to join her in bed holding her, I can't believe she's here. Some vampires wait almost a thousand years, maybe longer to meet their mate. Yet here is mine.

Placing my hand on her belly, I feel one of the babies kick and debate pulling away since this seems personal. Having my hand be there for a few moments, the babies kick rapidly before I pull away not wanting my mate to wake up. I hope she accepts me.

~Time Skip~

"Your families garden is very beautiful" she tells me as we take a stroll through the garden, she holds my arm as we pass by many flowers. It has been a couple months since my mate appeared and I've spent time with her including the others.

"Did you spent great time in gardens?" I ask, the sun shinning on us making me sparkle while my mate glows like the goddess she is.

"With my sister Helaena" she nods her head "she and I are very close, I just hope this war won't make her succumb to madness as it did with many of our other ancestors"

"From what you've told me about your family" I say "I am sure your sister will live a long healthy life since she's strong, just as you are" my mate blushes when I say this "do you wish to sit?"

She nods her head "Apologies" she says when I have her sit down "ever since a couple months
prior, I've become more tired"

"Tis alright" I say "your doing what many women wish they could do, from what I know pregnancies for women are a battle itself"

"Why" she asks "if I may ask, do I not feel a heartbeat?"

"What?" I ask

She places a hand on my chest "I do not mean to be rude but I cannot feel a heart"

I'm telling her, fuck the whole waiting "I'm a vampire, everyone but you in the castle is a vampire"

She is silent "What's a vampire?" I'm telling her since she knows about supernaturals since she has a dragon, which we have cloaked. Yeah, only those who know about supernaturals can see Nyx who is flying above head right now.

"A vampire" I say "is what I am. I died over a six centuries ago, I was turned into a creature that needs blood to survive. We're cold to touch because our hearts no longer beat"

She doesn't say anything "I'm in not my would am I?"

"No" I say, the witch that Aro called the favor for to conceal Nyx. She told us that Aelin is from another world "I'm sorry"

"Why?" She asks "you don't know how I got to this world, did you?"


"You" placing her hand on my cheek "have nothing to apologize for, ever since coming here you have made me feel safe. Like with my Aemond, what I feel for you makes me not care that I'm in a place where a bunch of people could kill me but don't because I feel safe with you"

"May I kiss you?" I ask, she nods her head. Turning her head, I lean down pressing my lips to hers. Gasping, I slip my tongue into her mouth and hold her as I kiss her.

She pulls away when she needs to breathe "Wow" she laughs "it's been a time since I've felt this for anyone-the only person I've ever felt this for is Aemond" she sighs sadly "I'm sorry" looking away "I just wish he was here or my other family members-do you mind if we head inside?"

"Of course" I say, helping her up we go inside the castle where we go to the throne room where the kings are. Caius has been helping her understand the world she is in.

Once here, Caius calls Aelin over. She goes over and he helps her sit down "Can you tell me about the history of vampires?" The kings look at me then to her "I asked and Felix told me"

Caius nods his head "Alright, the history of vampires starts" he stops when we hear a little girls voice "is that a little girl?" Santiago opens the door and in comes a little girl with long white hair and purple eyes. She has a small green dragon by her side.

"Auntie?" She asks

"Jaehaera?" Aelin asks turning around, the little girl cries out "Auntie Aelin!" She runs to Aelin who holds her arms out.

"Jaehaera" Aelin cries holding her niece I'm guessing "how did you get here?"

"A man" she tells him "he told me to walk then he left" what? Why? Who is this man? "Auntie, mommy's dead"

"What?" My mate asks, tears brim her eyes. We all stare at the two "Your mother"

"Mommy jumped to her death when Uncle Daemon ordered for Jaehaerys's head to be cut off" Aelin gasps crying as she holds Jaehaera who cries with her.

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