Five Nights At Haruhi's Trailer

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A/N: The following is a trailer for what is to come for my upcoming book, Five Nights At Haruhi's.

Yep...We're doing this. Five Nights At Freddy's is crossing over with the series "The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya". Now, I don't know if this story will do as good as my other ones, considering that I almost know little to nothing about the Haruhi series, with the exception of some character research. This trailer is also shorter than my usual trailers, so there is also that.

So, who knows? Maybe you guys will like it, and if it does well, I might consider doing a sequel to this and a prequel that takes place before the events of this book.

As always, feel free to add spooky trailer music if you like, as it'll make it more atmospheric in your mind. Enjoy.

In the main dining room, inside a local family restaurant, people were gathered by the main stage, some were talking with one another, while others just enjoyed the pizza. Just then, an announcer's voice began to erupt from the speakers on the ceiling, filling the room with silence.

Announcer: Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, Haruhi Entertainment would like you to put your hands together for the one, the only, Haruhi Suzumiya!

With that said, the curtains opened up, revealing the animatronic counterparts of Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato and Mikuru Asahina. In addition, the curtain of "Esper Cove" opens as well, revealing the animatronic counterpart of Itsuki Koizumi. The dining room was now filled with cheers and clapping.

During the day, its a place filled with joy and fun...

The Haruhi animatronic was standing in the center of the stage, singing in her microphone, while the Yuki animatronic was standing to Haruhi's right, playing the guitar and the Mikuru animatronic was standing to Haruhi's left, holding a tray with cupcakes on it. All three animatronic girls were singing and dancing.

But you aren't here during the day...

Ryoko enters the building, flashlight in hand.

You have the night watch...

Ryoko sat in the security office, looking at the security cameras. She switched to the stage camera, only for the animatronics to suddenly stare at the camera.

Watch the cameras...

Ryoko flips through camera after camera, but stops upon spotting the Mikuru animatronic in the right hallway camera with red glowing eyes.

Close the doors...

Ryoko looks around on the cameras until she heard the sound of rapid metallic footsteps coming from the left hall. She looked at the left hall cam, only to see the Itsuki animatronic sprinting towards the office. She slams her hand on the door switch, causing a metal door to fall, blocking the animatronic's entry.

Don't let them in...

Ryoko looks at the cameras, but as soon as she looks up from the tablet, the Yuki animatronic was standing over her and gives off a small smile before taking off her animatronic head, revealing the endoskeleton underneath.

Five Nights At Haruhi's

Now in progress...

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