chapter 4

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Hessung POV:

We were practicing when  jungwon  and  Jay started to fight . I just left  them thinking  that they  will resolve  their conflict soon. I was scrolling on my my phone and found  a meme of sunoo so I called the remaining  members and  showed  it to them. About a minute  later we heard something  that sounded like a slap . We looked up and saw  that jungwon  slapped Jay. Before  we could react  jungwon  stormed out. I got up to get closer to Jay . And he had a bruise on his face were jungwon  had slapped .

Hessung: Jay  are you ok

Jay: yeah

Jungwon POV:

"I didn't not just slap Jay, what's wrong with  me " said to himself as he cried even more.  He put his head on his legs  to prevent anyone  passing to see his face " Jungwon ", jungwon heard his name being mentioned  , but it wasn't  one of his members it sounded  like female . Jungwon  raised his head  and saw lesserafim's Sakura ." Sakura why are you he---"before Jungwon  could finish his sentence  sakura cut him off.

Sakura: Jungwon  don't ask any  questions I will be asking all the questions . I know I that  you   were  going to ask what  I am doing here.I was with bang pd-nim and he told me to come and tell   your group that, even though it is left with  four days before your tour it turns out the stage is bigger than  he expected  so you guys are leaving tonight and I found you here  I thought you were tired so you were trying  to reserve  energy  but then  I realised  that you were crying.  Do you mind  if I ask what  happened.

Jungwon  wasn't going  to tell her but he ended  up tell  her everything.

Sakura: Jungwon  don't be to mad at your self . If you know  you made a
mistake  and know what it is , there is nothing to be angry about.  What you need to do is apologise  to jay. 

Jungwon: "thank you sakura, jungwon said as he got up and walked to the pratice room .

No one's POV:

Jungwon  suddenly  opened  the dance  practice  room  with  six  pairs of eyes on him.

Jungwon: guys,   bang pd-nim  said we are leaving tonight.

What?! the members  said in unsion  except jungwon  and Jay

  Jungwon:Jay hyung I  am so-- before jungwon   could finish  his  sentence  Jay    cut him off

Jay : Jungwon  I forgive you I said some pretty mean things then  so i understand.  But don't ever slap me or any of us again .

Jungwon: i am gonna get some  coffee  does anyone  want some

Hessung: I  do I want an ice amerciano

When jungwon left the room  about 10 minutes  later  sakura knock on their  door.

Hessung: come in

Sakura:hello enhypen

Hello they all said in unsion

Sakura:I have to tell you something. Concerning  your  leader.

if I had said it sooner (Enhypen) Ft LesserafimWhere stories live. Discover now