Silent Night

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I wasn't going to see him.
Not again
Our friendship clearly meant nothing to him.
So what if he contacted me a few times ? So what if I might've made it seem like I was trying to be his friend again ? I was DONE

We were making our summer trip up to New York to visit family, friends and of course our house up there. My goodness did I miss New York, well Long Island to be exact. It was my home, I was born and raised here but hey life goes on right ?

After 10 hours in a car with these people we finally made it to the Empire State, it felt good to be back even though it was only for a few days I was excited to spend my 20th birthday with my friends
"Hey mom can you drop me off at Tanner ? Demi, Tori Flora and Nicole are meeting me there so we can all go to Applebees" I asked my mother very nicely and with a drop of kiss ass.
She gave me a hesitant but sure nod
"Yeah just don't do anything stupid."
Typical mom
"Yeah yeah I know, I'm not a reckless human you know." I say back and texted the group chat


When we got there I kissed my mom goodbye and made my way to Tori's car.
"She's sleeping over !" Tori yelled from her car window
"As long as it's okay with your mom honey !" My high-pitched-voiced-mother yelled back
We all laughed as I hugged them tight enough to kill one of them- oops
"I've missed you hoes so much!!"
"Girlllllll we have too now let's go get drunk because
HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they surprised me with a cake... In a car
What an incredible start to my birthday weekend
After we left Applebees we made our way to the movies to see Paper Towns, based of John Green's book which I love so much and I love him even more-my favorite author by far.

We had our tickets but we had about an hour until the movie actually started so we decided to go to the arcade and waste what was left of our money-smart young adults right?
"Elena?" Someone called behind me, the voice sounded so familiar, I've heard it before
But where ?
"Elena" he spoke again this time closer
His voice deep, with a raspy touch but young, And homey
"Elena !" I turned around to see the person I didn't want to run into on this trip.
"Luke" I said internally freaking out at the fact my (best) friend stood in front of me
"Oh wow how are you I haven't see you in-"
"A year" I cut him off almost instinctively
"But yeah no biggie, I just oh you know moved to Florida and and I'm majoring in Journalism so I think you could say I'm doing amazingly great." I added to my impulsive interruption
Luckily for me he smiled and told me all about how he's finishing up community college as a dance major hoping to get an offer from one of New York's top Dance Companies, and how he's actually passing history without me, it was about time.
"Hey the movies starting in like 5 minutes and we're heading in now" Demi came to tell me, noticing who I was speaking to
"Hi Demi" Luke said in a sweet tone
"Hi" she replied unaffected
Then she turned to me
"Well why don't you come over and we can finish catching up over my moms coffee cake ?" He said suggestively
"Uh yeah, sure. You know I'm a sucker for your mom's coffee cake" and I was, her coffee cake is like seeing Niagara Falls in person for the first time-but in your mouth.

"THAT MOVIE WAS AMAZING MY EYES ARE RAINING" I heard someone say in the front and everyone started laughing as hard as they possible could.

From Luke: Hey where are you?
To Luke : just leaving the theatre going back to the lobby now
Luke: Alrightty
Who says Alrightty ?
Oh shut up Elena

Tori shot me a look of disapproval, I hugged then and thanked them
"I'll see you guys tomorrow okay !" She nodded and we left

We made it to his house which was only about 15 minutes from the Movies
Wow, just as I remember it,
His house was two floors although the with that attic I would count it as the 3rd but they would raise their taxes if they actually COUNTED it so they opted out.
I would do if my taxes would raise about 5 grand
Well we went inside and as he said no one was home, except Pentry, but Pentry was always home-that poor bird
We made our way to his kitchen and I sat on his dinner table in front of the windows where they've always had it because his mom can't eat unless it's near a window, everything still the same
Well of course it was its only been a year

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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