Seeing Red

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Your first class of the day was Care for Magical Beasts. The walk to class outside on the lawn just next to the quidditch pitch was long and anxious. It was the only class you cared for this year because it was the only class you had with Garreth Weasley.

Last year you had Potions with him. Your only interaction was when he asked you to steal something out of Professor Sharp's office. After that, you swooned at the sight of him each time he passed you in the halls. The smirks and winks he tossed at you from time to time soiled your undergarments, weakening your legs in the process. Surely he had to know the power held over you.

When you arrive at class, Garreth is already there. The seat next to him was open, at the back of the pavilion. Your eyes dash across him, trying to appear inconspicuous, but he takes note immediately.

A few other students rush past you, taking up all the other open seats. The only one left open for you was the seat next to Garreth. You noticed his manspreading before you sat down, and your cheeks redden at the sight of a slight bulge at the top of his legs. As his eyes landed on you, a devious smile grew across his face.

You sheepishly pull out your chair and sit quietly, feeling his piercing green eyes digging themselves into the skin of your profile. You silently roll your eyes over to him, finding his torso leaning into you every so slightly. The temperature of your body skyrockets, your skin births goosebumps, and your empty heat dampens and drips through the thin cloth of your underwear.

Garreth stands to shrug off his Gryffindor robe, rolling up his sleeves to his elbows in the process. The exposure of his freckled skin sends a wave of euphoria through you. As he takes his seat, widening his legs again, you notice one of his veiny hands slithers down over the bulge of his pants to adjust himself.

Your plump lips part open at the sight of his mass moving in a way you didn't expect. You could almost see the outline of his balls, they looked to be pressed against his growing length. "What could you possibly be looking at Y/N?"

You jump and snap your eyes up to Garreth's face. Little did you realize that class had already begun in the time you took to admire his crotch. "I- Garreth, I'm sorry I-"

"Why are you sorry?" He leaned in close to the crest of your ear. His hot breath tickled your nerves that ran straight to the very very empty part of your body. The only thought that crossed you when he asked, "Aren't you curious?" was that you needed to be filled.

You turn bright red and the shuttering breath escaping your throat was accompanied by a moan small enough to twitch his bulge up toward you. "Garreth, I'm-"

"Already wet love?" You bring your eyes to his. He swallowed through another growing smirk. You realize how enticingly green his eyes truly are. They were the color of envy, the rich shade of wealth and confidence. You found yourself in a corner he knowingly placed you in, and you needed him to get you out.

Before you could murmur another sound, Garreth rose his hand into the air and did not break your eye contact.

"Yes, Mr. Weasly?" Professor Howin sighed.

"It seems Miss Y/L/N/ isn't feeling all that well and has asked me to escort her to the Hospital Wing." Garreth reeked confidence, so sure of himself that Professor Howin would allow them to simply leave class after just starting.

"Very well, take care of her Mr. Weasley."

He darkly remarked, "I intend to." He snags his robe from the back of his chair and motions for you to stand and follow him.

You couldn't possibly say anything. Like a possessed body, you automatically followed him down the dirt path. He's walking ahead quickly. You find it difficult to keep up with him. It is when you and he reach a fork in the path you realize you're going further and further away from the castle.

Seeing Red: A Garreth Weasly x FMC One Shot (Hogwarts Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now