Where they like to kiss you

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Chan: Cheek

Chan just gets too flustered around you, he's too dam shy to kiss your lips sometimes so he kisses your cheek instead. Also an adorable and quick greeting and goodbye, he does it every time, just- "Hey honey," *kith*, "Bye honey," *kith*.

Minho: Hands

He loves kissing your hands because he thinks its cute. He kisses your hands every time he sees you because he's a gentleman and even though it's subtle but he thinks it's still so cute.

Changbin: Shoulder

Shortie just loves to back hug you, but you can't really kiss when someone's back-hugging you so shoulder is the perfect option for him. Besides he likes them and that's one of his favorite features about you, also a lot of surface to cover with his kisses over these broad ass shoulders.

Hyunjin: Forehead

To put it simply; Hyunjin is a LONG. LEGGED. QUEEN. Meanwhile you... Mayyyybe not so much. But his perfect sized queen needs her crown... Of his kisses (cute). He thinks forehead kisses are the cutest thing ever and he knows you love them.

Jisung: Lips

This one was kinda obvious, of course the babygirl of Stray Kids would be the babygirl of the relationship. He just likes kissing your lips because they're your lips, yes that is his explanation, other kisses are inferior.

Felix: Corners of your lips

It's not the lips, it's not the cheek, it's just right in between! Perfect for this (kinda) shy and clingy bean. (I didn't mean to rhyme lol)

Seungmin: Neck

The crook of your neck is his comfort spot, he could nest in there all dam day. As much as he likes hugging you, he likes kissing you too. It's like almost the same problem like with Changbin, with the perfect solution. Hug + kith + your neck = Seungmin's Ultimate Comfort.

Jeongin: Temple

It's not the forehead, bc he's not THAT much taller than you but it's still cute. Apparently a kiss on the temple means expressing patronage, like showing support, protection and safety... AND YOUR ASS BETTER BELIEVE HE WANTS TO EXPRESS THAT.

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