Principal Hahari

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Alright, let's try this again.

My name is Y/n L/n.

I was bitten by a radioactive spider and for three years...

...Wait, that's not the intro...


...Here we go...

My name is Y/n L/n.

I am a high schooler at Ohananomitsu University Associate High School.

...What a mouthful.

Anyways, my introduction?

Not that unique.

I'm just your average student with good grades and a passion for art. Not to mention, I have a girlfriend as well.

Although people would flame me because it's identical to dating someone's mother, which is true, I still love her as long as she loves me.

Hahari's love is so overflowing, whether it was a mother's love or a girlfriend's love, whatever the case may be, the love she gives will always be genuine even if people doubts us.

I believe our feelings are mutual.


Y/n could be seen walking through the hallway of his school. His bag slung lightly on his shoulders and a smile on his face.

What made him so giddily after school?

Well, he was going to see someone he loves, that's why.

And she was in the principal's office, arriving shortly before knocking his fist in the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock...

Nobody answers, he enters inside to find the only individual that was working.

Focused as usual, huh, Hahari?

Hahari Hanazono.

The headmaster of his school.

Beautiful yet so mature, a treasure to all who laid their eyes on her as Y/n quietly walked behind the woman, not letting his presence be known.

He finds that Hahari was working so diligently, files and paperwork on her computer screen as he doesn't know what most of them mean but was important.

The boy smiles before putting his hands on her shoulders, Hahari soon figured out she wasn't in her room alone.


"Hey, Hahari- Jeez, your shoulders are stiff..." he chuckles softly before giving her a soft shoulder massage, moaning softly as he doesn't stop.

"How's work going, Hahari?"

"Y/n~... What are you doing here?~ Don't you have art club to go to?"

"I'm the only person in the club... Plus, I wanted to come check on you... After all, this is your first month working at the school..."

"Well, I only came here so I could be closer to you..."

"I know... and as long as you're making good progress, I'm proud of you..." Y/n smiles lightly before kissing her on the cheek.

"BWAAAH!~" Hahari suddenly screamed with pure excitement as she couldn't help but turning to Y/n and hugging him tightly into her large chest.

"Y/n, you are so cute!~" she screams more, drool dribbled down her mouth as Y/n slowly escapes from her embrace and sat her back down on her chair.

"Now now, let's focus on... whatever work you have here..." he said as he was met with a determined smile on her face.

"It's no problem~... I'm already more than motivated now~..." she said excitedly as Y/n chuckled once more.

"Good... but don't over work yourself now, alright?"

"Mhm!~ Mhm!~ Mhm!~"

Y/n smiles before he shared a soft short kiss to Hahari before taking a seat on one of the chairs in the headmaster's room.

He took the opportunity to pass the time productively, waiting for Hahari to finish her work as he sets his bag on the ground and pulled out a drawing notepad and a pencil.

His attention was on two places, Y/n gets comfortable in his seat before using a skill that he developed after figuring out that art was his passion.

Photo memory.

Basically, he just needs to take a short look at a person, place, or a thing of interest and he can remember everything he saw from their most distinctive features to what was in the background.

This was important for now because if Hahari were to change positions or had to leave to do something important, then his drawing, motivation, and focus would go downward and he wouldn't want to draw or paint anymore.

But he doesn't worry now as that quick glance was enough to make him focus on the notepad. He sketched with his only artistic weapon in his hand, a rough drawing by lightly skidding the lines to shape a person that was in the room.

Her hair, in a bun, pink, clean and neat.

Her lovely green, emerald eyes, calm, filled with determination, love as well.

The uniform, black, white frills, tightly showing off her features especially her chest which he could only see.

Where is she focused?

Right, the computer.

Is there something near it?

A photo frame, unknown, facing towards Hahari's way.

Nothing else, a bookshelf behind her.

Books, books, and more books.

Another photo frame on the shelf, facing forward, but it's too far to distinguish what it's of.

Then a painting, what did it mean? So many colors and swirls but it shows no meaning? Is it hidden?

This was nearly everything that went through Y/n's head, blazing through and around him and not leaving his head as his rough sketch slowly turns into a final. He erases the light lines with the end of his eraser and darkens the ones that turns them into a shape, a photo, a 2D illusion of a point of interest.

Finally, after a few hours of more drawing and adding details like shading and other minor effects to hone a more appealing sketch than before.

And once that was finished, so was the sketch.

"I love the drawing, Y/n~..." Hahari nearly scared Y/n out of his focused attention, right behind him as she had her chin on his shoulder.

"Thanks... I couldn't help but draw when I saw you focused like this..." Y/n said, watching Hahari take a photo of it to so that she can admire the beautiful artwork Y/n made at home.

For now, it was time to go as the h/c packs his things up while the woman waited for him. He finishes in a few minutes before meeting her outside the headmaster's office and locked the door.

"Mei should be outside by now... Would you need-"


Y/n gave a quick peck on her cheek which threw the woman off. He chuckled softly, "Sorry... I just couldn't help it..."


"...Come here!~"

Hahari pulls Y/n in and gave him a long passionate smooch on the lips. The student didn't try to pull away, wrapping his arms around her waist and continued to lock lips with the bold woman who was eleven years older than him.


It took some time but they pulled apart for some air. They panted softly, obviously in need for some air as they were in a reddening blushing mess.



"...C-Can we take this in the limo?"

"...Yeah... I love kissing you a lot..." Y/n replied back to Hahari before she urgently pulled him out of the school and towards the limo where her maid awaited for the couple's arrival and hopped in.

They went on to smooch again through the whole ride home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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Hahari Hanazono x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now