~𝒜𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓁 𝟦, 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥, 𝒯𝓊𝑒𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎..... 𝓕𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒷𝒶𝒸𝓀~

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Another fucking day at this awful middle school that is "good for learning!" It's only the beginning of April and the starting of summer is another two months away! At the end of April is vacation in which Tamia has been yearning to have but the days go by so slow. Tamia is a tall and young twelve year old kid, her hair is black and cornrowed, she is black skinned with vitiligo, and she normally wears a black sweat shirt but summer is getting closer and the days are getting hotter. Tamia already started wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts with running sneakers like every kid was during these April spring days but every day got boring and more harder as trimesters went by. Three trimesters in a row were for each grade and Tamia had something called a On A Roll party for everyone who had A's and B's in each of their classes but any other grades count as a failure.

Tamia breathed heavily as she climbed up the red stairs in which were used to reach every single goddamn floor in this hellhole they call school. There were four floors in total which counted what they called the basement floor which 6th graders normally stayed in while 7th and 8th graders were on the first, second, and third floors. Tamia was a 7th grader so her main classes were on the first floor but her science class was on the third floor, the very top... Tamia was currently just going to science, her last class of the day before leaving for the bus but she just had to stop to get water. Her water bottle was a light beige/brown type color with stickers of random Wings Of Fire characters that she got from her friend Sadie. Tamia unscrewed her black top and walked over to the silver and shiny water fountain that provided everyone water when no one had water bottles or needed to refill water bottles. Tamia pressed her water bottle up against a small sensor and water splashed into her water bottle like a waterfall.

Tamia sighed as she slicked her fingers through her hair which was in a ponytail and as the water filled she saw people walking by, people that she knew of but never talked to. Her classmates were some of those people because she never really fit in but at least she made outside friends. Tamia was good at making friends but mainly it was people outside of her classroom which made it hard for them to communicate until lunch. Tamia's water bottle had nearly been filled to the brim of the bottle but she pulled the water bottle away from the sensor and the water stopped at a medium pace. Tamia screwed the cap on again and walked away from the sensor but then she felt something jab her in the side, it was her little pink bag. The little pink bag that she carried was strapped around her chest and her pencils and pens stuck right out of the top where they jabbed her in the side but truly it was for her phones. Tamia oddly had two phone instead of one but who cared? She wasn't the one getting caught for her phone falling out of her pocket and landing on the ground.

Tamia and her classmates would joke around whenever someone secretly used their phones and they would say stuff like "ooh!" Or "nice 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝒸𝓊𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓇 you got there" and it would be funny but Tamia is starting to think that the teachers are catching on when they say calculator. Tamia sighed and was about to go up another set of stairs when she was stopped in the same hallway that the water fountain was in by one of her friends named Leo. Leo was a nonbinary bitch and they normally swore a lot and used heavy sexual language which Tamia did to while at the cafeteria where everyone was so loud that you couldn't tell who was talking. Leo was behind Tamia and slammed their fist on her back, "ouch!" She yelped as their fist hit her back "sup! Were having a sleepover at my new house, wanna come?" Leo asked, their smile was devious, "a sleepover? I haven't had one of those in quite some time" Tamia said looking a bit embarrassed "come on! Tomorrow after school you can come with us! The bus will be dropping us off" Leo explained. Tamia looked around the hallway, it was a way of helping her think, she looked back at Leo and sighed.

Tamia smiled and she said yes! Tamia just had to talk it out with her grandmother but it was Leo! One of her best friends! Plus, she was old enough. Leo was glad that she was coming but then they said goodbye and went on their way to class but before they left they explained something else "it's a week long sleepover!" Leo yelled from halfway through the hall then without another word they left. Tamia was excited, a week long sleepover! That sounded so cool! Tamia heard the bell ring then hurried off to her class where her teacher wasn't concerned about anyone being a bit late because they were at the top floor. Tamia was learning about decomposers and photosynthesis during her class time but no one seemed to remember anything and that was also something they did commonly. Everyone would play dumb just so we could waste time and it worked so Tamia just went along with it but today was going by so slow and she was getting bored and annoyed by her classmates. Tamia nearly fell asleep when the bell suddenly rang and everyone was free for the day! How did that happen so quickly? Tamia didn't question it and quickly grabbed her water bottle then ran as fast as she could back down the stairs.

Tamia met up with Leo and Ellie who greeted her with a friendly hello and they wanted to talk to her about the house. "It's giant and bring a bathing suit because were gonna be jumping in the big ass pool! We have guest rooms for you guys" Leo said "who's coming?" Tamia asked "you, Ellie, Adrien, and a few other people in which you know, we should be all set" Leo replied "alright, gotta head out" Tamia smiled and grabbed her backpack which had a military design and was ripped at the bottom because she liked to drag it around. Tamia checked to make sure everything was in her backpack, "let's see here... Agenda, Notebook, and Social studies binder, everything looks good" Tamia whispered to herself as she hauled the backpack over both her shoulders and it was fairly light. Tamia looked around and realized how crowded the hallways were with a whole bunch of people plus many of the red lockers were in the hallways. Tamia decided to not use the small stairs down the end of the hallway in front of her which would lead into the commons area and where the cafeteria is located and where the bus loop is located outside. The stairs and hallway were too crowded and she really didn't feel like dealing with that so she used the main stairs that were really big.

Tamia took her time going downstairs but for some reason her left leg started hurting and she kind of had to limp down the stairs. By the time she finally got out to the bus loop her bus was already there and half of the people were entering the buses and her buses number was 430 so she entered and sat by one of her friends named Sadie although the pain in her left leg prevented her from talking and having a laugh with her friend and she rather slumped in her seat. Tamia was so tired that she was actually complaining to her friend that she wanted to go home and sleep but maybe she should at least share one laugh with Sadie. Sadie kept talking about her classes but Tamia wasn't paying attention and stared straight ahead at the front of a gray seat. Tamia sighed then the bus made a halt and she rapidly looked around as people started filing out of the bus and she questioned her own self. (Is this my stop? No, it's the others) Tamia thought as she watched more than one person file out of the bus door, this was the first stop before Tamia's stop and one of the stops with a lot of people. Tamia straightened her back and grabbed her backpack on the ground as the bus moved but then yet again came to a slow halt.

Tamia stood up just a bit to see the large window ahead on the bus and the black doors with long and slightly thin windows opened. She pulled her backpack and held her water bottle in her hand as she stepped off the small stairs and onto the paved road. Tamia hauled her backpack once again over her shoulders and walked in front of the bus then she soon heard the bus leave and she was already at her house and walking into the front door and into the garage then into the actual house. She threw her backpack down by the kitchen table and went to sit down as her grandmother greeted her and saw what was wrong as Tamia rubbed her leg over and over again, "Tamia, what's wrong with your leg?" Her grandmother asked "I don't know, it suddenly started hurting" Tamia replied "well take it easy then and dinner will be ready soon" her grandmother replied "my friends invited me to a sleepover tomorrow but it's more like a week long sleepover like when I spent the whole summer with my cousin last time so... May I go?" Tamia asked but her grandmother hesitated "I... I don't know..." Her grandmother said "please! It's gonna be really fun!" Tamia begged "fine... Just be safe" her grandmother sighed. Tamia nearly jumped off the couch but instead she ran into her room and began packing.

Tamia opened her closet and pulled out a large suitcase and started folding random clothes that she liked of different colors and pairs of socks and a pair of sneakers and crocs. She grabbed a small bag and put in her toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, and wash cloths so she spent nearly half the day deciding on things to bring. She packed her controller and controller batteries, her computer and computer charger were packed with her clothes. Her grandmother entered her room and gave Tamia a med kit, "you want to have it with you right? Be careful okay" her grandmother said, she kissed Tamia on the head and Tamia smiled. "Everything will be okay and I'm going to have fun!" Tamia said excitedly "I'm sure you will" her grandmother replied. Everything went from there as dinner was set and her brother came along and they played on the Xbox for a while then the sun set and Tamia took a shower and got ready for bed at 10:00. Tamia yawned, she placed her blue fan in the window and turned it on and it became cold just how Tamia liked it on warm summer days, nice and cold.

Tamia placed the blankets over her and her eyes closed as she began to fall asleep and into a dream but... Then she suddenly woke up to a whisper. "What...?" Tamia yawned, she rubbed her eyes, "who said what...?" Tamia said but there was no answer and no one was in her room so everything was fine. Tamia flopped down on her pillow again and slept the whole night away without a disturbance. She wondered what Leo's house would look like in her dreams, would it be small? No Leo said it was giant! What about the pool? Tamia forgot about the bathing suit but she had enough time in the morning. Tamia would just love to see Leo's new house.       

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