Beaver Tail Mishaps

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It was early morning before our shifts and I was at the Office with Reef, Broseph, Ripper and Lance. 

"You go guys!" I crossed my arms as the boys prepared to paddle out.

"Be sure to watch closely," Ripper tells me, "I'll be sure to put on a major show."

"I'll be waiting," I laughed.

We did a few waves when the boys thought of sharing one last wave on the same board.

"No way that it's going to work," I casted my doubt.

"Wanna make a bet on that?" Ripper proposed.

"Why not," I shrugged my shoulders "What are you wagering?"

"If it works out, you owe me a beaver tail," Ripper said.

"Alright," I thought and then smirked, "If I win, you have to do my cleaning duties for the rest of the week."

"Thinking a little too big aren't we?" He smiled. 

I shook my head, "High risk, higher rewards."


The guys were paddling out together on Reef's board.

"Dude, are you and Ellie going to get together or not?" Reef inquired.

"We're doing just fine as friends," Ripper defended himself.

Liar, he thought to himself, I want to be more than friends with Ellie, but I won't let anyone else know that. Especially Reef who can't keep his mouth shut.

"She's a cool chick," Ripper smiled, "Though we are in an unfavourable position."

"That's right," Broseph said, "You're her boss aren't you?"

Ripper nodded his head reluctantly, "That is true, mate. So long as I'm head guard and her direct supervisor, there's not way we could be together."

"So..." Reef let his voice trailed off, "What you're saying is she's available?"

This resulted in Ripper pushing the brunette into the ocean. Reef resurfaced and smirked, "Message received. Too bad there isn't any way to change your job, oh here comes the wave."

The four boys got onto their feet and rode the wave. Ripper heard Ellie cheer for them as they paddled into shore. 

"Looks like I owe you a tail," she joked.

"I'll take the classic tail," Ripper placed his order.

"We're thinking about heading into town today to get some," Reef said to Ellie, "You can tag along too if you're free."

"Sure," Ellie nodded her head, "Better to get it done now than have it hang over my head. Ripper, you wouldn't mind covering for me while I get it for you, right?"

"Sure," Ripper nodded his head, "It's cool."

"Thanks," She smiled and headed off to go change.

"Dude," Broseph said when she was out of earshot, "You're totally whipped."


"Hey," Reef came running over with Broseph and I, "We're going on a beavertail run, who's in?"

"Not me," Fin turned the offer down, "Gonna sneak in a quick session before the afternoon shift."

"Lo?" Reef offered.

"Sorry," Lo said, "Gotta dish some primo grindage for daddy so he'll take me on the annual Cabo fam vacay."

"Was that even english?" Emma wondered.

Feeling Stoked (A Stoked Fan-Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora