Ch. 7

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Jade's P.O.V.

Aaron and I decided to leave the bags in the car until he could figure out where our first stop would be.

"I still can't believe you've never been on a roller coaster!" I was sitting on the island again as he leaned against the opposite counter. We had decided to have some coffee since he had to look into flights and hotels and still had to pack. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Too many horror stories about them breaking down, derailing, vomiting, passing out. It didn't sound like something I'd like!" I took a sip of my coffee.

"It's so much fun though! It's like a brief adrenaline rush. When we get to it, I think you'll love them." He crossed his arms across his chest.

I shrugged. "Maybe it is. That's why we're doing this, right?" He nodded.

"It's probably the least intense out of all of the things you haven't tried. Aside from horse back riding. Any particular reason for that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No not really." I shrugged. "Just never got around to it. Horse riding on the beach is a thing apparently?" He nodded again at me, picking his coffee cup back up.

"I've personally never been horse back riding on a beach, but it sounds like it'd be pretty fun." He placed his cup in the sink and I watched as he moved.

"Can we add that to the list, too?" I mumbled, finishing my coffee as he turned to face me, smiling.

"Wanna do normal and beach?" I grinned, nodding at him.

"Yeah, get both experiences." I shrugged. I went to climb off the island to place my cup in the sink before he walked over and grabbed it from me, placing it in the sink next to his. He made his way back over to me, standing in between my legs and placing his hands on either side of me on the counter.

"You got it, princesse." I smiled at him as he helped me down from the island. "Okay, I still need to pack and look at flights. Would you like to join me?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand, leading me to his room.

I couldn't begin to express how both terrified and excited I was to be going on a trip. We had stopped by my job and he helped me persuade my manager into thinking I was going on a temporary leave of absence. I worked at a little coffee shop that was about a block away from a Starbucks, so we didn't really get as many customers unless the Starbucks line was too long. Even then most of them went to the next closest. Most of our customers were regulars who had been coming here since I could remember. I remember coming back a few times and seeing that it was still here, so when I verified that no one who would've seen me worked there, I applied. Sitting around a lonely apartment all day wasn't all that fun, and it gave me cash I could spend.

I sat next to him on the bed as he looked at flights to Florida. I crinkled my nose. "Florida is humid all the time." He chuckled, nodding.

"Yes, but it has a really good first couple of locations I think would be good to hit." I nodded at him before rolling off the bed. "I'm gonna use the bathroom, I'll be right back." He hummed in response, still staring at his phone.

By the time I got back out into his room, he had started packing his suitcases. I cringed at how haphazardly he was throwing clothes in. Once he finished one suitcase, he pulled out another. And while he filled that one, I refolded all of his clothes in the first one.

Once I was finished folding, I grinned at how much more space he had. I looked up and found him staring at me with a playful smirk on his face. "You're so unbearably adorable, did you know that?" I rolled my eyes.

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