Dance Night

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~~In the Mushroom Kingdom~~

It's nearly sunset. The cast is standing outside the Omnia Academy gym.

SMG4: "You guys ready for the greatest night of our lives?!!"
Mario: "You know it!!!"

  Mario kicks open the gyms doors.


  There are dozens of students crammed into this gym. Each and every one look at Mario for a second, but then continue with their conversations

Saiko: "Hey! Glad you guys could make it!"

  Saiko yells from across the gym. She's setting up equipment on the stage with Kaizo and Bob. The cast make their way through the crowd and towards the stage.

SMG4: "Hey! When do you think you'll be performing?"
Kaizo: "Not too long from now..."
Bob: "Hey where's 6?"

  Everyone quickly turns around in hopes of finding the guardian. Nope. Not there. She's disappeared to god knows where...


  SMG3 facepalms.

SMG3: "God dammit..."


  SMG6 is standing in a corner. In that corner is a photo booth. She is intrigued by the machine. It suddenly flashes. The flash stuns 6 for a minute. Then two students walk out.

SMG6: "Woah... What is this mysterious box..?"

  The poor miserable teacher put in charge of the booth gives 6 a confused glare.

Teacher: "You seriously don't know what this is?"
SMG6: "Yep."
Teacher: "Well this is a photo booth. You take photos in it."
SMG6: "What's a photo?"

  The teacher pauses for a moment, once again surprised by the question.

Teacher: "...You're not from around here are you?"
SMG6: "No I'm not, but I'd love to-"

  SMG6 stops. She's out of line. She shouldn't be taking interest in Mushroom Kingdom customs and such. At least... that's what he said.

SMG6: "I'm sorry sir. I shouldn't be doing this."

  She runs off.

SMG6: "Come on 6! You know to stick to your orders!"

  SMG6 runs towards the center of the gym.

SMG6: "But what if..."

  She stops.

SMG6: "What if you ignore your orders..? What if... No. No you can't. You'll be killed remember!"

  Suddenly 4 pushes through a crowd of students, jostling a few.

SMG4: "SMG6?"

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