Chapter 25

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A month after Ranrok's defeat

"You turned him in?" I asked Ominis as I ran into the Undercroft.

I had just watched Sebastian get escorted out of the great hall with the headmaster and two aurors.

"I think we decided against it!" Ominis was silent while I let my anger out.

He closed his book that was in braille slowly and looked in my direction. "I didn't."


"I mean i went to. He killed his uncle. He used crucio on you."

"We were trapped."

"He still did it without hesitation." He snapped back. Ominis took a deep breath and composed himself. "When I went to tell the headmaster the aurors were already here for him."

I was frustrated and angry. All I could do was let out an angry sound and stomp away knowing I'll never see Sebastian Sallow again.


A week later I sat in the Undercroft with Ominis. We both sat on the floor looking at the wall that would always become a door way for Sebastian and I on our adventures.

It was a really warm day. We both had our sweaters off and out sleeves rolled up to our elbows. Ominis even had a few buttons undone.

"Maybe," I began as I put my short hair into a small ponytail. "I can open a door on this side as well."

"I mean, we are done with our OWLS and we have nothing else to do." Ominis sighed. He'd tried to pick up the role of the adventurous best friend. But we both knew he was more of the.. 'will listen to your rants and then call you a name' friend.

"Fuck it." I stood up and aimed my wand at the wall. I conjured up all the ancient magic I could. The door opened a tiny bit but then shut just as fast as it appeared.

I let out a quick scream making Ominis jump to his feet. I put a hand on his shoulder to steady him. "Sorry, it just worked for a second and I got excited."

"Merlin's beard, Ava, I'm blind. You can't randomly scream." His face was red from the embarrassment that I scared him so easily.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just missing something." I looked around. "Pull out your wand. I'm going to conjure up my ancient magic again and I want you to just conjure up as much of your magic as you can." I started hopping, getting excited. "Maybe with we use both ancient and non ancient magic we can get the door open!"

Ominis sighed and pulled out his wand. "I'm not even sure what we are doing."

"Let both just think of.. the library. Maybe we can get a doorway to open up."

I could tell Ominis wasn't into this but he was trying to be supportive anyway.

I touched his shoulder and took a deep breath. As the magic began to build up a rat suddenly ran by making me scream. When I jumped back I accidentally made the door way in the floor making me fall through and land really hard on my back side.

"Ow.." I muttered as I opened my eyes just to see the doorway close and see Ominis looking around confused.

My head and my ass hurt as I sat up looking around. I rubbed the back of my head. "We'll I almost got to the library.." I looked at the library door. There were no students in central hall which was really weird because it was the middle of the day.

someone cleared their throat and I turned around to see a tall skinny  awkward looking guy with messy brown hair and a long blue wool coat. It's summer why would he have that on? I noticed he also struggled to make eye contact a bit. His small black bow tie was a little goofy.

"I didn't know we had a visitor at Hogwarts today." I said embarrassed. I stood up and dusted off my grey and plaid skirt. "Please don't tell Professor Weasley. She'll give me detention if she know I was practicing my ancient magic.

"Ancient magic? Are you American? Oh..." The man asked then began to realize something.

I shut my mouth quickly. "You.. aren't with the ministry about my.. circumstance.. are you?"

"Merlin, no. Not the biggest fan of them."

I noticed his clothes looked a bit different. I cocked my head to the side looking at him. "You're dressed weird." I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Says the girl in the outdated uniform that fell from the ceiling." He chuckled.

"Outdated?" I just got this skirt it's going to be my sixth year skirt. I looked around and noticed some of the painting were different as well.

"Newt!" A male voice said from behind me.

I spun around going for my wand but the bearded man stopped and held out both hands as if to show he was unarmed.

"Whoa.. who is this? Where did you get that uniform?"

"Why do people keep commenting about my uniform?"

"An.. American Hogwarts student?" The bearded guy looked at who I'm assuming is Newt.. they both seemed as if they knew something I didn't.

"You're the professor here. I'm just here to see you." Newt said quickly.

"He's not a professor here. What is going on? who are you guys?" I kept moving my wand between the two of them.

"What's your name miss?" The professor asked.

"...Ava. Ava La Fey." Both men glanced at each other a bit shocked. "Stop looking at each other and talk to me this is stressing me out."

"You defeated a goblin named Ranrok?" Newt asked. He wanted to say more but he shut his mouth.

"Yes, a month ago. It was all over the newspapers. It was a very unpleasant photo of me. How did you miss that?"  Yeah the paper printed a photo of me in the hospital with my eye wrapped up.

"Miss La Fey that was about 40 years ago." The professor said softly. "I'm Albus Dumbledore. He's Newt Scamander. According to the textbooks we use here in history, you disappeared 40 years ago."

I looked at guy named Albus. "No. Is this a seventh year prank? I told them to knock it off."

He simply shook his head no.

I almost dropped my wand as reality sunk in. I finally noticed how I couldn't feel the repository anymore. "I cant time travel though.. that's not a thing unless you have the time-turner thingy I learned about in class."

I small part of me sad as it dawned on me I'll never seen my friends again.. I felt like I could feel my heart in my ears. "You swear you aren't lying?" I asked them both. I was trying to keep tears from forming in my eyes as they both shook their heads.

For some reason I suddenly felt... relief of all things. A weight was suddenly gone off my shoulders. Why didn't I feel more sad that I wouldn't see my friends again? I wouldn't see Poppy or Ominis.. or even Sebastian.

But I also didn't have to be that girl that saved all the wizards. A small laugh escaped my mouth. "I was just trying to make a portal into the library because we finished our OWLS and we were bored. And now I'll never see anyone I know ever again."

The Dumbledore guy was next to me now patting my shoulder. "Maybe we should get you some tea and we can talk more."

"How about coffee?"

Both men chuckled slightly as we walked away deeper into Hogwarts.

"He isn't going to believe his ears when he hears about this isn't he?" Newt asked Albus.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell him. He'll learn eventually about it." Albus responded.

"Who?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it right now. You'll learn in time." Albus smiled.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now