Chapter 3

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This chapter contains smut.
I know you all are shocked rn buuuuttt after 26 chapter it is time for some smut XD


They would head to Lucio his room and sit on the couch infront of the fireplace there to continue their talk.
They had long conversations and deep ones as well. They now just sit there in silence now with a smile on both of their faces yet who knows if The Captain is smiling since he is wearing his mask still.
"I hate to tell you this, I truely do... but tomorrow I have to leave again on yet another mission"

Lucio does not seem to mind as he looks up at the other since his head is resting on the other his lap "It is your can come and go whenever you want...we both know I won't be going anywhere" he chuckles softly and reaches up to play with the other his long black hair yet soon he sits up again and turns to look at the other yet when he does so he sees the other grab hold of his mask to remove it but Lucio stops him from doing so "The lights and the fire is still on. Let me turn them off for yo-.."

"I know they are on..." he spoke and looks at Lucio as he slowly would take his mask off. Behind it is somebody who is just a little older then Lucio himself. The Harbinger probably would describe himself as a monster yet he accually looks incredibly handsome with sharp features as the only thing notable is that he has a scar across his face and one eye that seems to be a different color from the other.

Capitano was afraid to look the other directly in his eyes since he was scared he would be called all kinds of names yet when he feels a gentle hand being placed on his cheek to be made to look at Lucio he would finally face his fears and look the others in the eyes who gives him a kind smile. A smile? And not in a teasing or mean way?

The brunette watched how the other would look at him, he watches how he leans into his touch as he would let the other do so gently carressing his cheek knowing he is touch starved "You are really handsome I want you to know that. I would more so think you are wearing that mask because you are so handsome and have to hide your face otherwise everybody would fall for you"

The captain laughs at that and shakes his head smiling when he looks at Lucio "you are a fool"

"I am your fool" he smiles...the both of them did. Leaning in the brunette presses a kiss against the man his cheek but in the end he would kiss all over the other his face to show him all the love and affection he deserves yet when pulling back and sitting close to the other they would look eachother in the eyes. Both of them lean in at the same time as their lips would touch one another and they would kiss. The kiss lasted long since they did not pull back and instead of pulling back the kiss deepened with Capitano taking the lead as the captain would lay Lucio on the couch getting ontop of him. He is so eager because he is happy he does not have to hide himself from the other anymore...he finally feels safe with somebody where he can let his guard down.

Pulling away from the kiss Lucio has the other his face in both of his hands just admiring him for a moment pressing a few kisses on the scar going across his eye before he places multiple kisses on his lips which has The Captain smiling. The Harbinger would kiss Lucio back each time feeling incredible loved and he cannot put to words how happy he truely us yet when they hear the door open to the bedroom they are happy that the couch is hiding them both. They just look at one another smiling, waiting for the servant to leave yet as soon as they hear the door close their lips would collide once more.
Moving a arm behind Lucio his back and moving his other arm around Lucio aswell he would pull the other up so The Captain is sitting down and Lucio would be sitting onto his lap.
Their lips would part when they tilt their heads ever so slightly so they can deepen they kiss.

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